View Full Version : head dizzy/sensation

15-03-13, 10:01

for those with suffer with the strange head sensation, what does yours feel like? is it a dizziness? a sway? eyes? mine is like someone pulls my head back and my eyes go dizzy. i am convinced this is my inner ear and i dont know how it can be anxiety.


15-03-13, 10:09
Sarah, every illness and problem I have ever had, had been put down to anxiety by my doctors, they fail to realise that we can actually really have something wrong with us. Yours can sound like a balance problem, have you seen the doctor about it? Also meds can give a similar effect.

Kerry B
15-03-13, 19:54
Hi I suffer with dizziness a lot have done now for 3 years or more, believe me its very difficult to think you are causing the dizzy, but its true it has been in my case, I kept thinking I have something serious wrong and even to this day when I get dizzy I still get scared. x

Purple Fish
15-03-13, 19:59
I had dizziness at the height of my depression and anxiety and thought all sorts. After having checks on my ears and having consultations with my GP it was all down to anxiety and the better I got the less the dizziness was until it didn't happen anymore. However i get it from time to time when I'm really stressed but I know what it is so it doesn't bother me. Don't worry. :hugs:

Kerry B
15-03-13, 20:07
Your right Purple Fish. I have the dizzy when I stressed and the more I worry over the dizzy the longer it lasts. I wish I was able to not let it bother me but still get drawn in

Purple Fish
15-03-13, 20:10
Kerry B,

Give it time and you'll realise it's just a symptom of anxiety. Read some of the articles on here relating to how you feel, they really help. :)

15-03-13, 21:55
thanks yes, i just dont know, until i am rid of the anxiety though i will never know. i might get my ears checked. sometimes i find taking a decogestant helps.

16-03-13, 12:30
I have been dizzy for two years too :( I was told it was anxiety and the Dr's didnt want to know! Until I went to see Dr Surenthiran at the BMI hospital - he diagnosed with Migraine Vertigo, despite not having any migraines at all - I am now on a strict diet of no cheese, caffiene, chocolate, MSG and chinese food, or alcohol, along with 20mg of nortriptyline. This has changed my life and I was told it was anxiety, all in my head and to get over it myself!! Hope you feel better soon. If it is an inner ear issue try get referred to a local ENT doctor who will give you VRT excercises. a good website is labyrinthitis.org.uk and you can read how to help & some more advice on there. dont give up hope you will get better:-) xxxx

16-03-13, 13:29
I have dizziness and like a light headed feeling, sometimes it comes on suddenly but other times it lasts for days. I just try and live with it now as doctors say its due to the anxiety. I hope it gets better for you.

20-03-13, 09:24
It's hard to describe but i'd say dizziness /lightheaded but in a strange way. I get the derealisation thing a lot especially when im down town and theres a big open space.

If im distracted my brain seems okay but as soon as i realise im not worrying my brain will start again with the whole dizzy feeling :( not nice.

20-03-13, 18:10
It's hard to describe but i'd say dizziness /lightheaded but in a strange way. I get the derealisation thing a lot especially when im down town and theres a big open space.

same here & also a constant dizziness since one day when I thought I was going to faint :shrug:

04-04-13, 12:54
cant belive i have just read this i have just come back from my local town center afraid cause what you have discribed is exactly what i get espes the derelisation i hate that i was fine when i got up took the dogs to the park my friend came round and we popped to town and it hit me i think you are right it seems to be towns and open spaces its worn off a bit now as im home but still feel a bit sick im glad i read your post i will try and not to let it frighten me to much as it must be anxiety and a symptom:bighug1: