View Full Version : thoughts or symptoms?

12-09-06, 16:16
hi everyone
wondered if anyone else shared my feelings......
i often think that my thoughts are more tormenting than my anxiety symptoms..
I have a fear of being ill, getting cancer, and my upmost fear im going through at the minute is my fear there is something wrong with my heart...my thoughts convince me it isnt beating properly, and tell me i will have a heart attack or die from SADS-it is torterous really...and i dont know how to overcome it..i have found CBT useless..more to do with the therapist i think-so when i see him next i will ask to see a psycologist i think-im sure its my fear of dying and death that keeps me in my current state, and i think the reason i feel this way needs to be rooted out..
Today i have been reading the daily mail-it filled me with dread...the health section was all about death related issues..including a man with unknown high blood pressure that caused him to die at 39-reading things like this does me no good what so ever-i have decided not to read newspapers again, as i put it down feeling jittery, sick and my ectopics came back with avengence-
i so wish i could return to my old way of thinking-not to even think of death or diseases i could develop-at the minute i cant see i will ever return to my "old self"
thanx for readingx

12-09-06, 16:38
You poor thing.I was watching trauma the other night and stared getting anxious just watching it.I need to stay away from watching these programmes thet put things in my head.I know how you feel.I also wish I didnt think so negative.[8)]

Ellen XX

12-09-06, 17:23

OH you sound so like me its unbelievable. Thou my symptoms are my worst point but then again its a vicious circle for us health anxiety sufferers. Im here if you wanna chat.

Take Care


Silly Blonde
12-09-06, 17:47
I'm the same! When Kylie was diagnosed with breast cancer last year, my left armpit started hurting and I was convinced I had it too. Turned out I kept pulling muscles trying to open the kitchen window 'cos I couldn't be bothered to stand on a chair (I am vertically challenged a bit like Kylie herself!!!!!!)

I also read an article on ovarian cancer, and bingo, I had that too!

I have learned that "avoidance" isn't necessarily the right thing to do either though - I suppose we all need to face our fears. But I do agree with you - its the thoughts that need sorting out.

I just wish I could just accept and ignore symptoms instead of catastrophizing all the time.

12-09-06, 17:53

im exactly the same, even casulty starts me off, 2day ive been feeling pretty rubbish and i think its coz the inlaws are coming 4 a week 2moro and without realising im panicing

take care hun
leanne x

i just wanna feel normal

12-09-06, 20:32
hello [8D]
you sound like me too!!!!
just lately im sitting there and im thinking oh my god i could have a heart attack in a minute and die, thats without having any symptoms at all.
i used to love watching holby, casualty and all the docs on hospitals but i cant any more it just freaks me out!!
as for the mags and newspapers just stay clear they are all full of doom and gloom and makes our minds go haywire.
if its any help i went on ebay today and found some really good cds for a small amount of money, they are for anxiety.
anyway take care

mandy d

12-09-06, 20:38
Everytime I hear the word cancer or notice on TV, my anxiety seems to go into overdrive.


13-09-06, 11:21
man i have everything,heart problems,brain problems,cancer,ms,you name it ive got the symptoms for it.It really sucks i feel like a complete idiot,i have been to the docs and emergency heaps of times and yep you guessed it nothing wrong.But the question is how do we fix it and return to normal.

13-09-06, 11:47
Oh, definitely! And while the internet is great for providing information, it can be terrible for those who suffer from this because you can easily research about all kinds of things.

13-09-06, 12:47
yes like some of you have mentioned i used to love watching holby and casualty and the medical programmes (i trained as a childrens nurse-and used to love working in the hospital)...but now i cant watch them-they put the fear of god into me...yesterday i went for a chest xray in the hospital..and it freaked me out-was so depressing looking..could even smell illness-scared me so..and got me thinking about what if i had to go into hospital................i will leave it there-i could go on!

13-09-06, 13:53
LOL to some of your posts about tv shows that make you turn off. I had NTL round yesterday and they fitted me with a new set top box that enables me to watch shows I have missed and rewind them etc as and when I want to watch them. Then the bloke said he would show me how to work the different control so of course out of the 1000 shows he could have picked to demonstrate he chose Holby City!

I was horrified as soon as I heard that theme tune and came over all funny. I reassured myself that it'd be a while before anything gory came on but of course I hadnt thought that he would also be showing me the rewind and fast forward so I couldnt win!I had to focus on my lounge window sill and kind of blank him out till he stopped and thankfully changed the channel to Gardners World lol. funny how this can affect you in so many little ways!

13-09-06, 20:17
its such a vicious circle but i definitely believe i could somehow live with the symptoms if i didnt fear them through my mind


13-09-06, 21:29
I was the same too, i read about the gentleman with the high blood pressure (which i have) and off my heart went ten to the dozen. I try not to read newspapers or watch programmes that will set me off i.e. ER, Holby City, Casualty and many more that seem to be ever increasing on Sky.
Take care

14-09-06, 10:09
yep me to if only i had never heard of cancer heart attacks or any deadly illness maybe i would be fine mind you knowing me the way my mind works i would prob invent one taking hrt at the mo and have done for two weeks my daughter removed all the leaflets of side effects but clever me went and googeld it good aye and trust me i have evry side effect there is and i am scared stiff dont no if to stop taking them or not but the reason they put me on them was for hyperlasia wich is a cluster of cells in my lineing of the cervix and they need to be treated or can turn to cancer over time so catch 22 for me i to read magazines and wished i hadnt after so why do we do it well as i am sat here writing this my whole body is acheing mostly my legs so i think i have blood clots in them a side effect from hrt i was going to put it on here this mornin think i will bye for now trish what are we all like

15-09-06, 22:10
I completely identify with what you are saying

I feel so unwell all the time and its made worse by reading stories etc,but i just cant seem to help myself.......

Hunny x

16-09-06, 14:11
I buy a couple of womens magazines each week and always promise i am not gonna read the health stories as they usually terrify me when I do. So when I turn the page and realise its a health story I skim over it to see what issue it is and then despite telling myself not to worry that I have the symptoms and that is going to happen to me. I never read to the end to see if there is a happy outcome and the person actually beat this thig and has survived. So silly but something I always do!