View Full Version : Help with doctors appointment

15-03-13, 12:27
Hi firstly im new here so im very sorry if this is in the wrong section.

So basically i have a doctors appoinmtment this afternoon and i need to get a doctors note for my application for esa.

i started suffering when i went to go on holiday in september and panicked about going through security that if i needed to go to the toilet or if i was going to be sick i wouldnt have time to get to a toilet. I finally managed to get through however i was stuck in my hotel room the whole holiday panicking about no knowing where the nearest toilet would be, and to cut a long story short ever since then i cant leave the house, i can only go to family members houses if my mum is driving me as i dont panic in her car.

What my question is i went to the doctors in october when i got back from holiday and only had a couple of weeks of symptoms and she just said i had anxiety. Im now returning to the doctors but i dont know how to go about explaining it to a new doctor and asking for a doctors note with out sounding like a fraud.

any help would really appreciate it

15-03-13, 13:26
Hi mhw and welcome to the forum.
When you speak to the GP just be totally open and honest. No matter how bad or embarrassing it might feel to you your GP will have heard it countless times. Explain exactly what your fears are and how it limits your day to day life. It may help you to make a few notes before you go as it is so easy to forget the important things you want to talk about.

15-03-13, 17:29
It might help to write down how your feeling and the difficulties you are feeling and just read this out to your GP. Explain you have to do it this way as you would otherwise find it difficult to articulate your feelings.