View Full Version : What do you say to people

15-03-13, 16:41
I'll be going back to work soon. I am aware already that a few ex colleagues have noticed I haven't been around for a number of weeks. I am getting comments on FB like, have you stopped working, I havent seen you in ages. Colleagues who would not normally leave comments on my FB.

So how do I deal with this? I dont want to tell them, there are not close colleagues I hardly ever see them in work anyway so now why all the sudden interest?

15-03-13, 16:59
I would just say "I have been unwell."

No shame in being unwell with mental health problems, but given the lack of understanding out there soemtimes I would take the view it is none of their damned business wtih what particular ailment you have been unwell.

Had you been unwell with "ladies' problems" they wouldn;t expect a blow by blow account so just leave it that you have been poorly.

15-03-13, 17:04
I would just say "I have been unwell."

No shame in being unwell with mental health problems, but given the lack of understanding out there soemtimes I would take the view it is none of their damned business wtih what particular ailment you have been unwell.

Had you been unwell with "ladies' problems" they wouldn;t expect a blow by blow account so just leave it that you have been poorly.

Thank you. Spot on with your points.

15-03-13, 17:48
I was off for 2 months with anxiety and no-one on my section has even asked why I was off.

Either they're too polite or the don't car, either way I don't mind.

That said, if I was asked directly I'd probably be honest about it.

15-03-13, 17:51
I made an informed choice to be honest and say I had an anxiety disorder when I returned to work after my breakdown 16 months ago. I believe part of the reason it happened in the first place was that I had tried to hide it from others and it all became too much.

I understand it's a very personal choice, but I found most people very supportive and those that didn't really care or want to understand, well it shut them straight up.

Do what you feel is right for you, It's fine to just say 'I have been unwell but I am getting better now, thank you'.

Good luck in your continued recovery and return to work. Kitti :)

15-03-13, 18:01
there are not close colleagues I hardly ever see them in work anyway so now why all the sudden interest?

Pure and simple nosiness, I would suggest!!

The advice above is right, just saying "I've been unwell" is fine and if anyone pushes you then they'd be downright rude. When I went back to work nobody asked me, I assumed in my fear that this meant they all knew but it transpired that not even my closest colleagues knew! I was really relieved about that.

Good luck to you Bosslady

15-03-13, 19:42
ive been honest with people at work and said ive had anxity. my way of thinking was that people would hopfully understand what i was going through.

Purple Fish
15-03-13, 19:49
It is definately nosey parkers!! I've had it all recently. They're don't really care, you'll know yourself the people that do and are genuine. people love a gossip about someone apart from when it's them. Tell them to mind their own. :winks: take care x

15-03-13, 20:24
Bloody being nosey! End of, if they don't normally post they're just searching for information from anywhere or anyone about anything to gossip about.

Honesty is the best policy BUT that all depends on who your dealing with. In this instance tell them you were unwell, if they come back for more and press you for specifics - that's difficult and although they are the ones out of order, it could be you who's seen as being a bit 'off hand'! I would then repeat - oh I'm fine just I'll, if they ask again just go straight for the most severe AND say - nervous breakdown and walk. That's what I'd do. Annoying !

You take care Hun X

15-03-13, 22:58
I haven't got the strength to deal with people's prejudices so to those who don't know me well or I don't trust I usually say I was just unwell or had the flu (I usually return looking ill anyway) but those I trust I say it was either depression, anxiety or both.

16-03-13, 13:54
I have been telling people about my physical symptoms. That way i am not lying but not telling them anything about anxiety. the only people who need to know are my boss, HR and occupational health.

16-03-13, 14:05
I would say personal illness, hopefully if you use the word personal they won't try to pry more information from you