View Full Version : Learning to Fly!

15-03-13, 16:58
I can't remember which book it was (I think perhaps it was "The Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy"?) - but one of the main characters said: "Flying is easy - you just thow yourself at the ground - and miss!"

It occurred to me that getting over panic disorder is a bit like that! I think almost everybody would be "cured" in a situation which normally caused them anxiety and panic attacks. if they could just follow these two rules;

1) Forget to panic! - By that, I mean getting rid of all the thoughts which run along the lines of "Oh dear - I ususally panic in situations like this" and "What if I have an attack here? How will I get help"? etc

2) Realise (and truely beleive) that your symptoms are caused by your thoughts, not the other way around!

I have been trying this technique, and I am now beginning to "forget to panic" - the feeling that I "ought" to feel uncomfortable in a particular situation is slowly going away! I began by saying "Stop!" to myself when ever the "what-if's" started, and tried to concentrate on what was going on around me. This sounds a bit like "distraction" (which is not generally thought to be a good thing) - but I prefer to think of it as getting out of the "habit" of panicking! I suppose it is a bit like the "floating" that Claire Weeks recommends in her excellent books!

I know following these rules is not easy, but then again, neither is learning to fly!

15-03-13, 20:57
Great thread. However it's sometimes the will power & energy to do this, that can be severely depleted and you sometimes (when it's 'that bad') just give in as like weighing scales, your anxiety /panic is soooooo high/severe on one side & on the other nothing other than exhaustion. And stamina is a hard thing to build, when you haven't got any at all.

But I love your advice and I think in time - I will adopt your method.

Thank you

15-03-13, 21:20
In theory you are completely right, but in reality these things are much harder to achieve.
I did try the Claire Weeks "floating", but I ended up drowning most of the time.lol
Trying to laugh at myself seems to be working for me at the moment.x