View Full Version : What am I belching up?

Orange Lightning
15-03-13, 17:30
I'm not sure if I have acid reflux in any form or not. Looking at other people's posts here I don't match many symptoms at all, and mine aren't brought on by specific foods; I could eat ANYTHING and get this. However I often get what feels like "warmth" in the bottom of my throat throughout the day, as well as random "weird" tastes and random chest pains on the left side, but only while moving.

The most alarming symptom is whenever I belch I feel little bubbles of liquid move through my throat. I'm not sure if it's mucus or something but it happens more after eating and continues through the day, causing my throat to become tight and sore (I think) leaving behind thick spit and white bits in it. What on earth am I belching up all day? It leaves me very worried about my throat and I don't think an endoscopy will find it in 2 months time. ><

15-03-13, 17:36
I have to say that all sounds normal to me :)

15-03-13, 19:12
yep.. i have that as well. I get whole big lumps of food coming in to my mouth. Reflux. its horrible but def triggered by anxiety. xxx

Orange Lightning
16-03-13, 11:45
Thank you :) I certainly hope it can all just be anxiety, that way it can be reversible. I always worry about having to be on treatment for my whole life (only age 21!) so I really hope the wet belching is harmless. To be honest I don't kbow if what I'm belchibg is from the stomach or the throat. :p