View Full Version : Hi I am new here

15-03-13, 20:28
Hi to everyone,
I have been an anxiety sufferer since 2005, managed to control the panic attacks until recently when they came back worse than before. Saw an amazing Doctor two days ago who says he thinks I have an anxiety disorder. He gave me beta blockers which I was to scared to take until today when I had another attack and took them.
I am excited to have found a place with people going through the same things as me, I am hoping this will help :)

Mrs J
15-03-13, 21:40
Hi bekzie,I'm a newbie too! Can't believe how many ppl have been through the same/worse as me! It's humbling to read some people's stories!

Cat lady
15-03-13, 21:43
Hi I'm new too, horrible isn't it feeling so low :( nice to be able to meet others xx

Mrs J
15-03-13, 21:46
That is sooooo true! I felt so isolated and on my own,but reading what's on here! Wow do I feel silly!

15-03-13, 21:57
Cat Lady, It is an awful being low and feeling alone. I have found lots of people who have exactly the same problem as me and sharing experiences is really starting to help. Mrs J don't feel silly, sometimes its not until we are desperate that we find these places, when we really need them :)

15-03-13, 22:46
Hi Bekzie,
I have just started on Beta's too. I'm on my second day and so far I have found that I still get panicky but it is far less intense and passes very quickly.

15-03-13, 22:54
Thats great fermina! I hope they help you! I sat for hours reading reviews/side effects and I think I worked myself up that much I MADE them make me feel a bit weird. They worked great though, I had the panicky anxiety feeling still but no pounding heart. Fingers crossed they work for us both :)

15-03-13, 22:56
Hi Bekzie :welcome: I am sure you will find lots of support here :)

15-03-13, 23:09
Thank you for the kind welcome Annie :)

15-03-13, 23:47
iam on beta blockers have been for about 2 years now i take propranolol 10 mg and take up to 3 tablets a night when i feel more panicky i used to have to take 3 40mg tabelts a day moring dinner and night , and i didnt want to take them all the time as i felt i got much better so my doc lowed the dose to 10mg and to take them when i feel a panic comeing on the do help alot there my life savers !!!! last up to 4 hours to

16-03-13, 00:56
Glad to have you with us.

I've found a great deal of support and guidance since I've been here.

I'm sure you will too.

16-03-13, 13:03
Thats great Amy, good to know :) I am on atenolol 25mg once a day as this is the first time a doctor has ever tried to help me! I took my second one this morning and feel better today, not as dizzy and lightheaded. Thank you for the reply:hugs: