View Full Version : Conquering Fears one step at a time.

16-03-13, 01:47
I don't think I'm cured, far from it, I still experience the horror of health anxiety on a daily basis. My OCD trend of ANTs also fuels it a lot, in fact I wouldn't be surprised if I didn't have health anxiety but instead health ocd.

I've been able to lose my fear of having Tachycardia, and the result is that my heart rate speeds up and slows down very quickly during adrenaline rushes, or that I get adrenaline rushes without tachycardia. Still, I was a little fearful of the episode I had a few nights ago when my heart sped up, and as it was slowing it kept tingling, or twitching in my chest, that sent me into a few hours of panic. Today, I got the same thing, I'm still having one every now and then, but instead of measuring my heart rate, and freaking out about it, I let it be, guess what?? I didn't feel them as often, and I'm losing my fear to it. I just said to myself, have at it, and nothing happens. I actually have been through worse, just this morning before lunch, my whole upper chest area got really tight, and it felt like I needed to burp but I couldn't, and my face got really tight too, my brain felt like it wanted to explode, and I was dizzy and short of breath, but I kept working as if everything was alright. Perhaps, I'm wrong, perhaps, it doesn't stop the symptoms from coming. I don't care, I'm simply not gonna let it stop me from enjoy life, as long as I can walk, smile, breath, and live, I sure as hell I'm gonna do it, and no anxiety is going to stop me from doing it.

16-03-13, 13:52
Good for you! It is surprising how thinking positive can help to lift you up!
It is just axniety remember, it can't hurt you.

Keep fighting! :)

16-03-13, 14:08
I really admire your attitude! I need to be more like that and will try to be. Keep it up :)