View Full Version : Can't cope!

16-03-13, 05:03
Hello everyone, I really need some help. One year ago I started having a dull pain between my left shoulder blade and my spine. It has progressed into now I have pain everywhere on the upper left side including down my arm and up into my neck. It's a really deep pain so I don't think it a muscle strain. I know it's not. I had a chest x ray in September and it was clear but now I have a headache everyday on the right side of my head and pain in my left hip. I read somewhere that lung cancer usually mats to the brain and hip. My hair is falling out, my finger nails are all crooked. I have a little bit of cough and always fell like I need to clear my throat plus my gland under my left jaw is swollen. I'm sorry I know this must be hard to read but I want to say everything. To make matters worse I am 4 months pregnant and I am beyond scared. I am 98% sure I have lung cancer that has spread to my lymphatic system, my brain and my hip. When I was seven I watched cancer turn my mother into a blackend shell! My oldest sister just had a tumor removed from her cervix. The doctor said because I'm pregnant there is no test they can do I just have to wait but I can't. I can't eat or even sleep. I have 5 children and am 35 and am so consumed by this that I don't even play anymore. I just sit and worry and I can't do this anymore. I am so scared! I know I'm gonna die! I just know it!

16-03-13, 05:33
I am certainly no expert. But this does sound like Aniexty not cancer. look at a list of symptoms and I am sure 90% of Aniexty sufferers will convince themselves they have a disease. Stress manifests itself physically. very often in the muscles. I would have thought a chest xray in September would show signs of cancer especially as you believe you had symptoms then. Ask yourself if you really believe symptoms come before the disease ? stop asking Google. Try to be rational. All of these symptoms can also be explained by pulling a muscle trapping a nerve vitamin deficiency common in pregnancy or simply Aniexty. Aniexty strings random chains of events together and constructs worst case scenario. If your body was battling cancer the chances of becoming pregnant are miniscule. I bet if you had a massage you would be told you had tension in all your muscles. plus surely there would be cancer markers in blood tests. play with your kids and enjoy them. feeling guilty about not doing so is not going to help your state of mind x x x

17-03-13, 04:31
Thank u for your reply! The thing is that other than this issue I don't really feel stressed. And my symptoms just seem do real. Doesn't help that I've smoked for 20 years(never in the house around my children).and I don't understand why only the right side of my brain hurts. I try to tell myself that it's all in my head but the pain is so strong. I will go for a massage and see if that helps. I am still so so unbearably scared though! Thanks again for your good thoughts!