View Full Version : Daughter 4 yr old with ocd

16-03-13, 09:49
My daughter who is 4 years old is showing signs of OCD.
Basically she convinces herself that she's swallowed something.
A few examples... We were colouring in and she asked 'what would happen if I swallowed a pen lid' I told her she hadn't because all the pens still had lids. She became distressed and convinced that she had put the lid in her mouth and she had swallowed it.
Yesterday I paid for her red nose at school and straight away she asked what would happen if she swallowed it, I told her she hadn't, but again she totally believed she had.
This morning her snow globe got smashed, I moved her away so that I could clean it up and a few minutes later she became distressed that she had swallowed some glass.
After explaining to her a few times that she hadn't touched the glass so she couldn't have swallowed it she accepted it and was fine.

I have an appointment for her at the drs next week.
Anyone with advice for me would be greatly appreciated.

16-03-13, 12:01
Could be OCD, could be something else.

If it's OCD, here are some good tips:

16-03-13, 12:12
Lotus that is a really interesting article.

I don't have much direct experience with OCD myself, but chuckiesback, You are obviously a responsible parent and its good that you have recognised a potential problem. The article says about spotting this early and were it OCD related (which of course I'm not saying it is, especially since I don't have enough knowledge to comment) then you are clearly doing a good job of being attuned to your daughter's behaviour. Hope the appointment goes well.

16-03-13, 13:46
Thank you both for your replies.
We have just been out to buy craft items because I want to see how she reacts when she gets glue on her (this was a problem at scvhool the other day). Well, we've spent an hour sticking things together and glue got on her skin, she does react quite badly but once the glue is wiped off she is fine although very careful not to get the glue on her skin.