View Full Version : Fatigue?

16-03-13, 11:55
Does anyone have constant crippling fatigue? I feel like this every day for the last 5-6 weeks and somedays my eyes feel heavy and tired. I go to bed feeling shattered but can't sleep. I couldn't get to sleep at all last night because I felt sick and I was soaked in sweat and I tossed and turned all night.
I thought with my liver scan being ok yesterday I would have felt better but I still can't get out of head something is still going on somewhere else like my stomach because of how I feel.
I cry all the time and I am losing interest in everything and everybody, I started fluoxetine 5 weeks ago that obviously aren't doing anything if I am still crying all day.

16-03-13, 12:12
Yes, I am always tired, I think most anxiety sufferers feel this as your mind is constantly on alert.

You also sound like you are still suffering some side effects from your meds too. It is early days but your fatigue seems to have kicked in about the same time you started the fluoxetine. It can take a good couple of months for things to settle down, however it might be a good idea to go back to your GP to discuss how you have been feeling.

All the best, Kitti :)

16-03-13, 12:32
Same as me feel constantly exhausted even though I havent done much. I am on a similar drug and dont think that helps with the constant exhaustion and fatigue. I have starte walking along the seafront for an hour a day and this has given me so much energy, maybe try walking see if it helps :) Good luck xx

16-03-13, 13:23
Wow it seems as if you are really having a bad time, I sleep ok during the night, I may wake a few times but not for long, and I feel very tired every day. I think mrslala has good advice, try walking for a while every day and see if it helps. If not I would go bak to the doctor and see what they say.

16-03-13, 13:43
I feel like I am losing the plot. I feel like my heads going to explode and I can't stop crying and thinking I am dying. How do you stop these thoughts when you really believe them but nobody else does? I keep thinking the nausea and sweating at night is with the big c somewhere even though apart from my liver enzymes being raised all my other bloods were ok.

17-03-13, 06:06
Yes, I feel like this too. I keep thinking something must be causing this fatigue because I've never felt like this before. I find it hard to believe it's just anxiety, as I keep being told, because none of the usual things I do for anxiety help. I don't find exercise to be energising at all - it actually makes me feel worse. I am/was an active, fit person until this fatigue hit. I feel sick and sweat at night too. My bloods have all come back fine also. I guess anxiety must be the cause, but it's so hard to believe when all the symptoms are physical ones huh.