View Full Version : Money Worry

16-03-13, 13:34
Hi all, I've just done some online shopping and used a discount code I found online. The discount code was automatically copied so that I could paste it straight into the checkout area of the website but now I'm worrying that doing this could allow people to rob my money from my bank account? Am I being silly? Can't stop worrying :(

16-03-13, 17:21
Don't worry - your account is safe :)

As long as you clicked through from a safe website, all that happened was the website gave your computer's clipboard a code to look after. It had no access to anything else. Your computer would most likely have popped up with a warning if it tried to do anything else.

Almost all companies these days have very secure checkout systems. Sometimes they don't even get involved, and a company like WorldPay (Which is run by Royal Bank of Scotland, I think) deals with it.

If you're still worried, why not ring your bank tomorrow and double check? Plus, if you paid on a credit card, you have loads more protection. Not everyone you meet on the internet is a cash hungry scam artist, it's just a shame that those people make it such an unpleasant place at times.

16-03-13, 17:26
I use the discount codes like that all the time and have never had a problem.

Mr Brownstone
17-03-13, 14:25
It cant happen. Stop worrying.

17-03-13, 14:58
Thanks very much everyone! I'm not worrying about this anymore, phew!

17-03-13, 16:33
I work in web development, and I just want to say that it's technically impossible for someone to steal money from your account just because you used a discount code. The website that provides the discount codes never has access to your accounts on the online shopping website. :)