View Full Version : Job in the health service, yey or nay?

12-09-06, 19:25

I suffer with health anxiety, I panic about myself getting ill but its alot better than it was.

My hv and close friends/family think I should still go and try to be a midwife no matter what others may say, they don't think my anxiety will hold me back, they think it will make me stronger. I am unsure of what to do. My health visitor was here the other day and she said she thinks I know so much (from all the reading ive done, lol) about health/diseases etc... that I should go into either nursing or even a dr!!! she thinks im very intelligant and I shouldn't waste it.

I have 3 children, married and im 27 (on thursday, hehe) surely im too old to start now anyway and will it push me over the edge??lol!

Jem xxx

12-09-06, 19:31
You have to try and think more positively Jem, you are not too old to start any sort of education. I say give it a try and see how you go make sure you have a good support network around you people you can call on for help.....hey you always have us!

Go on give it a go!!!!!


12-09-06, 20:58
Hi Jem

I would say give it a go as well. I have a phobia of people vomiting and guess what I do... yup, I'm a teacher!

Sometimes facing your fear everyday makes you a little less fearful. Sometimes it makes it worse as well, I have to be honest(!) but the pros definately outweight the cons.

What have you got to lose?? Go for it! You can always decide to leave if it isn't for you.

Let us know what you decide.

Tammy x

12-09-06, 21:11
Hi Jem,

I think your family and friends are right....if not you'll always wonder...what if....?

If its not for you at least you will have tried....but my guess is that it will be hard work but once you start you'll stick at it.

I was a midwife and although it was hard work I loved every minute....I still miss it. I still get a buzz out of the excitement of pregnancy and birth...its amazing!!

And at 27 you are definitely not old...I'm 38 and in the last 5 years have done 2 degrees and I know lots of people who sart a career in nursing/midwifery in their 30's or older.....life experience counts for a lot and my guess is you've got plenty of that.

Go for it girl.....think what a great example you'll be setting for your kids....follow your dreams!!

Good luck

Coni X

12-09-06, 23:11
Hi jem

I think you should go for it! when i was 35 (im 43 now)i went to night school and took a course a NVQ3 in health and social care, it was a 2 year course, which i passed, alot of the course was based doing my own research at home. It really helped me with the anxiety, it took my mind of things and gave me something to focus on.

You go for it !!



13-09-06, 10:34

Thank you all so much.

I thought about it all night and ive decided to apply. I have signed up to the next Open Uni course and im going to go for it!

I have to follow my dreams and ignore what others say, just because I suffer from anxiety about my health doesn't mean I can't help others and be what I want to be.

Ju xxx