View Full Version : Scared.... All of these feelings cant just be anxiety .... help :(

Carly Lou
16-03-13, 13:48
Hi everyone..
I dont know where to start really.... My health anxiety is absoloutly at breaking point.... All these symptoms at once.... how can it be anxiety ??
I was in a bad place with HA a couple years ago.... since then ive been so much better with the help of meds... but 2 years on and after a year of needing no meds suddenly im right back to where i was.... i have had 1 panic attack... but my symptoms im having just cant be anxiety can it ???
I have headache on and off for 2 weeks... feeling dizzy (which does subside) strange feelings on my skin... the odd burning feeling, pins and needles...
you can imagine im obsessed with the brain tumour fear... but im also feeling as tho i have a cold... sneezing, glands hurt every now and then but nothing amounts to it... so lymph node cancer worry has started.. to add to MS and ME worry... its getting silly now and im thinking about it daily and just cant stop feeling unwell with it... i did go to the docs and he said it IS anxiety... prescibed me back on Mirtazapine 15mg.... ive just sat and stared at them for 1 week... hoping i can just snap myself out of it and il wake up one day and feel fine again like i once did... im going to start them tomo nite... im so depressed upset and sad about all of this... i have a meal this evening with my partner and some friends and thinking about it is making me feel dizzy and headachy... i just want to enjoy life now, like i once did... im all over the place... convincing myself im going to just suddenly drop down dead...
im scared... really scared infact... my partner even said these headaches cant be normally... maybe i need a brain scan.... well that helped my anxiety !!!! and he has never suffered a headache in his life he says....
meh... MEN lol....
i just dont know what to think anymore.... typing this i do feel momenterily better.... bet theres always that niggling feeling that something really is wrong with me because of these symptoms and not feeling 100%... i do have diazepam but i dont like taking them.... i know if i took one id feel absoloutly fine... maybe that does mean its just anxiety and not cancer or something terrible....

sorry its bit of a ramble on... i just dont know what to do anymore... if anyone does have these symptoms or feels like this you would make my day.... im 27 and feel like im just sitting about wasting my life away worrying :(
I hate anxiety ..... :weep:

Carls xxx

16-03-13, 14:01
Hi Carls,
You are not alone I feel exactly the same! After a panic attack I can feel drained, head achy, tried, dizzy, faint, neck ache, flu like, sick, the list goes on and on! I also automatically think cancer, heart failure, stroke, all the worst possible things is could be! This goes on for weeks at a time! I tried all of the usual things, cut out caffeine, stopped smoking, ate healthier but still felt this way. Sharing on here helps me a lot, just knowing i'm not alone feels amazing so I hope you find some comfort from this too.

Carly Lou
16-03-13, 14:18
Oh thank you Bekzie... you really have made me feel so much better... the flu like symptoms were really starting to concern me... and i dont want to keep going back to the docs like i used too.... altho they are very helpful so i am lucky for that... its just the slightest thing is setting me off.... i noticed ive had a bloated tummy the last couple days.... simply because ive just eaten more than i would do normally... but then started thinking cancer.... its absoloutly silly...
i dont cope with headaches very well anyway but for it to be on and off was really setting my anxiousness off... and then made the headaches worse... the feeling dizzy as if ive had a few to many drinkies i know is anxiety.... but still...... end up googling... which i know i really should NOT and find bad bad bad things connected to dizziness.... i hate it... i really do but i do feel so much better that you feel the same... especially with the flu like symptoms... you really have made my day xxxx

Thank you xxxx :hugs:

16-03-13, 14:27
Hi Carlie,
You are welcome, to be honest reading your post made me feel a lot better too! Knowing its not just me takes some of the weight off my shoulders! I am terrible for googling too, every small tiny symptom I check out (my doc thinks I have slight OCD tendencies) But I read somewhere that if you find symptom checking a problem try looking up something you know you definitely don't have like an open head wound for example, and see how many of those symptoms you think you have. This makes you realise how common some of the symptoms are! It does help.

Carly Lou
16-03-13, 14:42
Im glad i made you feel better too :)
its horrible tho isnt it... amazing really we can make ourselves feel so unwell just by worrying... Its very hard to snap out of it.. Ive got back ache now... for no apparent reason and now a little bit of tummy ache... its silly... so silly.... i look ok... i think but feel like crap.... bloody hell... in a way so many symptoms at once must mean its anxiety other wise i have 15 different cancers all at once !! lol...
im burping alot aswell.... urgh....
i cant thank you enough tho... i do feel better mentally knowing im not the only one xxxx

mrs way to worried
16-03-13, 14:45
i used to have all these symptoms was convinced anxiety couldnt cause them all then i had hypnotherapy and they all dissapeared so it can cause them all ,plus when ur anxious u r tense and exhausted and head is full of anxious voics ect

16-03-13, 15:01
Carly it is horrible, I have had this on and off for years. Been tested loads of times for all kinds of different things and each time I have been told its just anxiety. Its ok for them to say "JUST" anxiety because they don't know what its like. I cut out caffeine, smoking, and alcohol cos they said it would help but it hasn't. I got so bad the other day that I begged for an appointment to see a Doctor who put me on low mg beta blockers to help with the racing heart. It took me two days to finally take them cos I was scared but I did take my first one yesterday. They make me dizzy and a bit light headed but no where near as bad as I was. The fear is still there though, the what if's, but I feel calmer with it. xxx
Mrs way, thats good to know thank you :)

Carly Lou
16-03-13, 15:12
The dizziness i know is anxiety.... i then get paranoid can anyone else see it... feel like im swaying... but im pretty sure im not... if i think about it, it doesnt go away and it does subside eventually in the day.... I stress myself out so much with it, which im sure you do.... the diazepam worked wonders when i was starting to feel a little anxious when i had stopped taking my meds... so i bloomin well know its anxiety... oh i used to be horrendous... i would call out the paramedics when i first started having panic attacks a couple years ago.... as soon as they arrived i would calm completely down... but i was sure it was a heart attack... i got used to them and eventually managed a way to deal with them by thinking of things from when i was a little girl that made me happy... silly as it sounds it worked haha... ive had many tets blood tests even started paying for private tests for my eyes and smears... had abdominal scans and chest xray ecg... all fine.... havent had a scan for my head tho.... :scared15:
but i dont think my headaches are bad enough for one... when im googling.... i do come across symptoms for brain tumours that i dont have... its just the headache... but its not debilatating... just annoying and gets worse with panic... thankfully paracetomal does seem to work so its cant be a tumour... i am rational tho and do think we only here about the horror storys on the internet... my mum said the other day she hasnt been to the doctors for 20 years !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i wish i was like her, she doesnt worry about anything...
rambling again.... i just want to go for this meal tonight, feel happy and not have some niggling thought at the back of my mind worrying... always gets worse when im looking forward to something...
Thank you Mrs way.... you absoloutly right xxxxxxxxxxx

16-03-13, 15:43
Ahhhh I know I often feel like I'm seriously genuinely dying of something and feel crap at the minute always???

Sick to death of it , hate going to docs, hmmmm I've got no hope:weep:

16-03-13, 16:24
Col there is always hope, everyone has down days. Don;t give up we can all beat this we just need to find a way that suits us :hugs:

16-03-13, 17:03
I know how you all feel, I can't believe I feel so ill with worrying. I set off with vertigo this time and pressure and headaches and convinced myself I had a brain tumour. Convinced my gp for a brain ct scan even though he said I didn't need one. Then started with nausea, loose bowels, crying, losing weight etc and asked my gp to do my bloods. My liver enzymes were raised so I convinced myself I had liver cancer, had a scan yesterday and all was fine. I still feel awful and still can't accept I am probably doing this to myself with googling and worrying. I get my brain scan next Friday and I know if it's clear I will think its my stomach or some other organ. It's awful.

16-03-13, 17:17
google is the devil, I am weaning myself off it slowly :)
I have been convinced I have had every disease going but reading threads here I see how many people have exactly the same thing I have!! I feel awful too.
Does your doctor know about your health anxiety?

16-03-13, 17:41
He knows a little but not to the extent that I cry all day and google etc, my old doctor knew me better but he left.
Last year I was getting pains down by my left ovary so google told me I had ovarian cancer so got an ultrasound and all was ok, then I was convinced it must be my stomach or bowels so had an endoscopy and that was ok. I thought it was lung cancer so had a chest x ray and thought it was another organ and had an abdominal scan.
I am getting pains in my neck and back the last few days on top of all my other things and lung cancer and stomach cancer keep popping in my head again this time. Every time I feel ok again I never think I will let myself get that bad again. But here I am again thinking I am dying from a missed illness and not accepting its myself that's making myself worse.

16-03-13, 17:49
It is really hard, even now I am convinced I have some type of disease. Try talking to your doctor more. I saw mine during the week and he was the first one ever to take me seriously, he is arranging counselling for me and put me on beta blockers to help with the anxiety symptoms (which I was to scared to take at first cos I was convinced they would kill me) I was so relieved that he listened and took me seriously I cried! I could of hugged the poor little man. Maybe counselling is what you need too, it might make you feel better. I think knowing it is you making yourself worse is the first step in getting better :hugs:

16-03-13, 18:05
I started fluoxetine 5 weeks ago on Monday but they don't seem to be working this time.
The trouble is I always say to my friend I feel different this time and i definitely have something this time but I have never been right yet.

16-03-13, 22:42
Col there is always hope, everyone has down days. Don;t give up we can all beat this we just need to find a way that suits us :hugs:

:hugs: thankyou

17-03-13, 05:49
I get headaches too and I'm 99% sure they are caused by tension from the all the anxiety. I went for a massage the other night just as a headache was coming on and after the massage the headache was gone. The massage therapist said it was probably a build of lactic acid from all the tension in my back. She said I should get a monthly massage and in between, if I start getting sore, to have a bath or use a wheat pack. If you find that paracetamal works then that is great. It won't be a tumor hun.

Carly Lou
19-03-13, 20:58
I know how you all feel, I can't believe I feel so ill with worrying. I set off with vertigo this time and pressure and headaches and convinced myself I had a brain tumour. Convinced my gp for a brain ct scan even though he said I didn't need one. Then started with nausea, loose bowels, crying, losing weight etc and asked my gp to do my bloods. My liver enzymes were raised so I convinced myself I had liver cancer, had a scan yesterday and all was fine. I still feel awful and still can't accept I am probably doing this to myself with googling and worrying. I get my brain scan next Friday and I know if it's clear I will think its my stomach or some other organ. It's awful.

Hey Zippy, thank youi so much for your post... its absoloute hell isnt it... the constant worrying and thinking is so draining.... im obsessing with any feeling i have... my headaches subsided the weekend i was at my boyfriends. but its back again a bit today, and ive decided i have a lump in my neck.. im sure it is just a gland but im obsessing it is cancer... i just cant help but think and then google... ive had the ear ache and ended up googling ear cancer... if its not one thing its another and then i start breaking out in bit of a sweat thinking about it and panicking... i had to take a diazepam today because i got so stressed out...

ive had scans xrays and blood tests.... this was all a couple years ago but i know im going to end up starting it all again... at the doctors every week panicking and them saying it IS anxiety and where i am so run down im just making myself poorly... im just sick of it Zippy... like im sure you are too... what id do to feel better to feel healthy.... to just go out with my boyfriend who is only home weekends and enjoy it and be confident again... instead im silently worrying im really ill... :weep:

Thank you all of you too be honest..... it really helps to know you all feel the same.... i just can never get my head around that we can make ourselves do this... my brain really is my own enemy x

Carls xxxx

---------- Post added at 20:58 ---------- Previous post was at 20:45 ----------

I get headaches too and I'm 99% sure they are caused by tension from the all the anxiety. I went for a massage the other night just as a headache was coming on and after the massage the headache was gone. The massage therapist said it was probably a build of lactic acid from all the tension in my back. She said I should get a monthly massage and in between, if I start getting sore, to have a bath or use a wheat pack. If you find that paracetamal works then that is great. It won't be a tumor hun.

Headaches are horrible.. i hate them.... one of my biggest fears... mine was on and off for 2 weeks and im sure it is tension, anxiety and feeling run down.
paracetomal has been working so im trying to think if it was something sinister it would still be there and paracetomal wouldnt stop it...

thank you for you post xx

Carly Lou
20-03-13, 10:33
Its just never ending... had a panic attack last night... ive started a period... for no reason :ohmy: its not heavy but its enough to freak me out.... i did forget my pill for 2 days prior to this tho... maybe thats it, or stress?? started reading the news this morning and how stress and anxiety is bad for you... that started me off on another wide spread panic that im killing myself being like this... i still feel as tho i have a virus... heady, ear ache, now my throat feels funny... just crap... the doc did say its all because i have been so run down and thats why i am feeling like this... im just not convinced... so not only am i freaking about a cancer in my head/neck now stressing something else is going on with this mysterious period... im at breaking point... i hate it.... bloomin hate it.... i dont want to be a 27 year old living in fear of disease and dying... i want to enjoy life with my little boy and be happy and bubbly again....

:weep: xxxx

20-03-13, 18:23
Hey Carly, why don't you write down all the symptoms you are experiencing here, and the timeline of their appearance? Maybe I can help you.
I am usually much better at diagnosing others than in diagnosing myself ;)