View Full Version : Want to scream :(

16-03-13, 14:35
I just keep going back and forth, reading conflicting information on medication. Lots of people say it's benificial, others are strongly against it. I'm so confused as to what to do! :weep:

16-03-13, 15:30
What works for one person does not work for someone else. Medication and talking therapies need to be tailored to the individual. Personally, citalopram, support from my family and seeing our work psychologist worked for me. CBT was a complete waste of time but others on here found it very useful. Sometimes the reason a talking therapy doesn't work may be down to the therapist - my CBT person was hopeless! Kept telling me to get into a routine at every appointment which is impossible when you work early, late and night shifts - sometimes all in the same week! You need to work out what is right for you. Personally, I recommend medication but this tends to treat the symptoms rather than the cause which is why some sort of talking therapy should also be used. Is that as clear as mud?

Paul H
16-03-13, 23:22

When in doubt - follow the doctor's advice. If the medication doesn't work then you can ditch it for another med or for none at all. Studies do show that meds plus a talking therapy are better than either alone (if we're discussing depression and/or anxieties) and so I would recommend finding a therapy and a therapist in which and whom you can have faith.

Best wishes


17-03-13, 15:09
Hi Rachy-Rach, that is definitely clear as mud, really helped thank you! In particular this point was really helpful:

Personally, I recommend medication but this tends to treat the symptoms rather than the cause

I'm able to talk things through but it's the physical symptoms I just cannot deal with, so medication sounds like what I need to keep things in control. I also have plenty of family history with anxiety etc which leads me to thinking I probably have a chemical imbalance that medication would correct. I think I know what to do now!


When in doubt - follow the doctor's advice. If the medication doesn't work then you can ditch it for another med or for none at all. Studies do show that meds plus a talking therapy are better than either alone (if we're discussing depression and/or anxieties) and so I would recommend finding a therapy and a therapist in which and whom you can have faith.

Best wishes


Thanks Paul, I have the therapy so just missing the medication now. I've had therapy throughout my teenage years and although it did help I've never made a full recovery & always revert back Things have slowly gotten worse if anything, so I guess medication is the missing link for me.