View Full Version : Had enough :(

16-03-13, 16:50
Hello, I suffer with health anxiety, on and off some days are better than others, I take 80mg for propranolol a day, well I've been feeling weird, I can't describe the feeling just odd, and I keep getting a horrible taste in the back of my throat, I do feel abit blocked up so maybe that's the answer for the taste, but I just feel so strange, shaky hands, feeling like I can't concentrate, like my head is just full of air, spaced out.. So worried something is wrong, my main worrys are always my heart or that I'm going to have a fit, I've never had one before :( I'm so worried please if anybody has any advice. Many thanks x

16-03-13, 17:05
this is also me 100% so i cant help but i do have good days sometimes weeks :)

16-03-13, 17:20
You are not alone, I have the same kind of feeling too. Sharing on here helps and knowing your not the only one :hugs:

16-03-13, 21:58
I could of wrote this thread myself. I do the same as you, and worry exactly of the things you are worried about. I can't stand it. It is really nice to know we are not alone in this HA battle, but it's driving me crazy, always worrying. I wish I had an answer for us. Hope you feel better soon. :hugs:

16-03-13, 22:22
Thanks for the replys, helps to know im not alone :)