View Full Version : Worry over Head (again)

16-03-13, 19:26
I am desperate to have another baby but my HA symptoms have surfaced really badly since we have been talking about it. I am scared of something happening to me and leaving my other children which in turn caused headaches and pain in head - like a little goblin sitting on my head. I have had this before through stress and then when I tell myself "Right I am not thinking about it til....." then it gets better.
My worry though is also because for years whenever I do any exercise I get a pressure feeling in my nose and headache - at the moment I only have to get up and I seem to have a pounding head - this causes me to worry that there is indeed something wrong and that if I get pregnant that something will happen to me and I will leave everyone and it'll all be my fault!!
I also have a sound in my left ear that is like tinnitus but it is more white noise than any speciific noise, I can hear it at night a bit like a tumble drier.

With HA I feel decisions a huge responsibilty - I have OCD too so I am fantastic at feeling guilty at everything - I am getting myself in to such a cycle - I desperately want to try for another baby but every time I worry I get symptoms which make me worry more then I panic - has anyone got any coping techniques or does ANY of the above sound familiar at all?

I am particularly worried about the pounding head but I try to be aware that I am soooo aware of anything in my head as this has been my main worry!

17-03-13, 05:22
Yep, I"m like this too. I have had the pounding head thing lately every time I stand up - feels like my head is going to explode. Have you tried any breathing techniques? I was shown how to breath correctly by a counsellor and I find this helps to calm me down - you breath in making sure that your stomach rises. Often, when you're anxious, you will clench your stomach muscles so that when you breath in your stomach actually goes in instead of out. It's amazing how much better you can feel if you breathe correctly. I would also suggest you try and slow you movements down - if you stand up, do it slowly and make sure you're breathing correctly when you do it. I've always been told that yoga is great for this kind of thing. Maybe also try and remind yourself that you have no control over what the future will bring, you are more likely to be hit by a car than anything else, so there's no point worrying about potential illnesses you may get in the future. I think you should try for the baby and I'll bet when you get pregnant a lot of worry will fly out the window because you'll be so focussed on your happiness. Good luck!

18-03-13, 13:01
Thank you so much for your reply - I totally agree with you ovet the breathing - I will definately do this and must go back to yoga as I know it made me feel so much better xx