View Full Version : Travelling through EuroTunnel on Monday

16-03-13, 20:40
Hi all,

I'm going through the euro tunnel on Monday morning and im absolutely bricking it! :weep:

Fear of the unknown, safety, 35 mins in a tunnel so that fear of claustrophobia has set in.

I gotta be honest and say im absolutely horrified at the minute.

Has anyone else experienced the same and gone through??

Any help much appreciated.

16-03-13, 20:44
I was dreading it when I first went but I was fine. It was so much easier than I expected and the safety features are brilliant. I think maybe about 4 cars in each compartment and safety seals in between. You can walk along from compartment to compartment if you want to. I felt like I had just got in an in no time at all was out again. I would not fear going again at all and this is from a person who panics being in a room without a window!

16-03-13, 21:31

I don't like confined spaces, but I have done the euroshuttle thing (the one you take your car in) and it's not the nicest experience I have ever had, but I have done it a few times, so it's not too bad.

My advice is, take a good book and an ipod if you have one, I did Dover to Calais with Bon Jovi blasting out and a copy of the Lord Of The Rings, and was amazed that I had got there so quickly.

I also think that Eurostar have a "Nervous Passenger" team, ask at the station, but the on train staff will look out for you too. Let them know you are worried and they will do whatever they can to look after you.

I know it's hard but try and resist the urge to get a bit tipsy to help with the nerves, it doesn't and they can refuse you travel if you are a bit.. merry shall we say???

Good luck, you can and WILL beat this!

16-03-13, 22:25
I been watching eurotunnel documentaries on youtube, trying to re assure myself the tunnel is safe etc etc...

But im still bricking it. Fear of not being able to escape should i need to :(

16-03-13, 22:32
That side of things, as an ex railway worker, I can help you with.

In the event of an emergency, the train itself (how sad is this that I know it so well) comes to a halt, and the doors automatically open. Staff will then escort you to one of the (I believe though it could be more) 57 emergency escape routes, which in turn have fire doors, lights and air con, to safety. In the event the train is between escape routes, they simply go quicker until they are beside one, I know they said when it opened, you are never more than 5 mins from an escape route, and the trains can be put on a different track to get you out of jail quick.

---------- Post added at 22:32 ---------- Previous post was at 22:30 ----------

Just found this

The Channel Tunnel, also called the Euro Tunnel or Chunnel, actually consists of three tunnels. Two of the tubes are full sized and accommodate rail traffic. In between the two train tunnels is a smaller service tunnel that serves as an emergency escape route. There are also several "cross-over" passages that allow trains to switch from one track to another. Just one year after the Chunnel opened, this engineering design was put to the test. Thirty-one people were trapped in a fire that broke out in a train coming from France. The design worked. Everyone was able to escape through the service tunnel.

17-03-13, 16:17
My parents went through the Chunnel before it was fully operating, a goodwill gesture thing for the locals. My mum reckoned it was the most boring thing she had ever done and wished she had taken her knitting! You'll be fine.

17-03-13, 16:39
I hate enclosed spaces but I've been loads and it's huge inside! Not only that but it's over so quick! You can walk around loads.

Best of luck :) you'll be fine I promise :)

17-03-13, 16:48
Good luck for tomorrow Peter, you can do it :)

17-03-13, 18:28
Hello Peter, I wanted to wish you all the best for your journey through the tunnel. I will be very interested in hearing back on how you go....as its something I have considered doing. Much rather that than a ferry for sure. I remember a while back that you'd posted about going thro the tunnel, it was your thread below and I put some info on a post in your original thread. I just checked and the link I put in for you abut safety is still ok. And rather than re-type what I said before, I thought I'd refer you back to the original thread here...


Anyway I'll be thinking about you on your adventure and hope it goes ok.

17-03-13, 22:06

Thank you for all your kind words and advice. It really has made me feel much better.

I am still sooooooo nervous but ive made my decision to go!

Im taking everything you guys have said with me and trust me guys its only because of your words and assurences Im going.

THANK YOU ALL. Hopefullu tomotrrow night ill be posting about the day! :hugs:

17-03-13, 22:33
Enjoy your time in France, there is something to concerntrate on.. your arrival in France :D

I am sure you will be bursting with excitement and pride when you come home tomorrow having beaten the anxiousness and fear :)

24-03-13, 13:03
Hi all,

sorry it has taken time for me to respond, but the trip was postponed. Not my doing but reorganised for April 11th!

Time to get my head in gear!! :)

24-03-13, 13:23
That's typical, Peter, but as u said, more time to get your head sorted. What you want is to keep a hardly list of positive affirmations & refer to it between now and then. It could be simple things like "I know that going through the tunnel will raise my anxiety levels to a very uncomfortable level, but I know I can do this". I'm going to take two short flights in a day for work soon. It would be funny if we did it on the same day! Mine keeps getting out back but that week at the moment is the likely be for me doing this..... We can "hold each others hands" as it were.... U r brave and I am brave too & we're going to do it!!!! I know I'll be scared on the day but I feel sure I will benefit from the experience otherwise I wouldn't have volunteered. Wot will u be doing when u r over there? Other than maybe trying to speak French of course? At least where I'd go they speak English...

24-03-13, 14:28
haha, we have to be brave bud.

Im actually going over for a day trip with a friend. I organised it as I wanted to get over my fear so I can take my wife and daughter on holiday.

I used to fly with my wife but i was a bad flier and got worse till one day I actually got off a plane! Believe it or not they had to turn around on the runway and let me off i was having such a bad panic attack!

Since then I cant even get on a short ferry to the isle of wight! It was like a domino effect!

But I want to do this and rebuild! And I gotta say your advice and support is helping me MASSIVELY!!!! So THANK YOU!!!!

24-03-13, 14:46
Good Luck Peter:hugs::hugs:xx

10-04-13, 20:44
Hi all,

tomorrow is the day. Im absolutely petrified. Ive been watching those National Geographic videos on the euro tunnel which has helped in some ways. But i think researching it has prob just made it feel so much bigger and kinda adds to the anxiety!

Anyways, im defo gonna board the train for sure. I been told I can get off at Ashford if im panicking so I have that at least to rely on. At least im going to board the train this time!

Here's hoping and wish me luck peops!!

10-04-13, 20:48
Good luck Peter, just take one minute at a time and look at what's going on around you

10-04-13, 20:54
Forgot to say, ive now changed to the Eurostar rather than the car through the tunnel.

Its roughly 20mins but im still petrified!!!

Just keep re reading everything you guys, esp Tessar has written previously!!

10-04-13, 21:07
Good luck Peter and very well done for trying to overcome your travel fears. I'd really struggle to do this, but I could cope slightly better with the train than being in a car. You're being very brave and I hope it goes well x

10-04-13, 21:13
Thanks, ill let you know how it goes. If I can get over my state of panic tomorrow!!!!!

Its like a brick wall of fear that grips you!!! Nothing else makes sense other than to escape as your sure the worst will happen. You feel it in you the worst will happen and you HAVE to escape!

Hoping to knock through it!

Any ideas much appreciated though lol

10-04-13, 21:21
Peter, make sure you keep breathing properly - a psychiatrist taught me to count to five breathing in and seven breathing out. Also try to remember you are in no physical danger not matter what your body is telling you. Does Rescue Remedy work for you? I also have a little mantra that I was taught to use while practising self-hypnosis. I don't know if it works without the hypnosis part but I haven't hypnotised myself for years and it still calms me - breathe in, say "calmness, confidence, courage" in your head and breathe out again. Repeat if you feel the need. Hope that doesn't sound too :wacko:

10-04-13, 21:26
haha, we have to be brave bud.
Im actually going over for a day trip with a friend. I organised it as I wanted to get over my fear so I can take my wife and daughter on holiday.
I used to fly with my wife but i was a bad flier and got worse till one day I actually got off a plane! Believe it or not they had to turn around on the runway and let me off i was having such a bad panic attack!
Since then I cant even get on a short ferry to the isle of wight! It was like a domino effect!
But I want to do this and rebuild! And I gotta say your advice and support is helping me MASSIVELY!!!! So THANK YOU!!!!

I only just saw this post Peter, thanku 4 your kind words....I do like this site...:blush: & I'm so pleased my words are helping.

My trip got postponed again.... So you will have beaten me to it. mine Might be in 2 weeks time. I would like 2get it over with now.... But I will be thinking of you

20mins is good because its not too long, at least it'll be done & dusted quickly.... And then you will be enjoying croissants and maybe a nice coffee.... Or hot chocolate. Wot about lunch, perhaps you could find a nice little bistro or somewhere typically French.

I built stuff up bit by bit like u r doing. It's the best way. My first step was the train to london and the tube. Oh giving blood was another. Just because the idea seemed scary. It was ok as was the tube too.
I did lots of reading up before flying. The videos might be a bit scary but it helps to know about it because then you will be familiar with your surroundings and what is happening.
I really respect your efforts as it takes real guts. Its lovely that you are using your wife and daughter as inspiration so you can have a holiday together. I haven't had to get off a flight thankfully. If I am stressed I'm too darned good at hiding it. No-one knows I'm scared.....but that's not so good as I hide stuff & then don't get my needs met. That's changing though as I am open about my feelings on NMP.

I can't wait to hear how you get on, I have a good feeling about it for you..:yesyes::yesyes:

10-04-13, 21:35
Good Luck for tomorrow Peter...I am sure you will do great. You will hardly be on it before you are getting off at the other side :D Don't forget to let us know how it goes.

10-04-13, 23:34
Wishing you the best for tomorrow Peter :D. I'm sure you'll be very proud of yourself once the day is over!

11-04-13, 14:06
my fingerse and toes are still crossed, I'm hoping it all goes well and that I can uncross them soon or they will be beginning to stick like it!!

11-04-13, 22:14
Hi all,

IVE BLOODY GONE AND DONE IT!!!!!! :yesyes::yahoo:

Ive literally just got home and quickly stuck a frozen pizza in the oven. Im starving and shattered. Hardly eaten all day because of the nerves!!

But what a day!!! Eurostar staff were AMAZING and they really looked after me. They even gave me a small bottle of champiagne to celebrate once we got through the tunnel!!!

And it was so easy and seriously, you really hardly know your in the tunnel at all!! What an idiot I am :doh:
The train pulled into Ashford and I just thought to myself, just go for it...could be your last chance!!!!

And it was great! The feeling of relief once through etc... oh my word, its like a great weight of my shoulders"!!!!

I hadnt told my wife I was going because I didnt want to put pressure on myself, but I rang her when I was there and she was stunned. Didnt believe me! lol

Guys, Thank you so much for ALL your support. I just hope I can be there as much as you all have been for me.

Im going to eat my frozen pizza, take a shower and collapse into bed!

Thank you all VERY MUCH, esp you Tessar!!!!:bighug1:

Night night.
Pete x

11-04-13, 22:18
Fantastic news Pete, it's bought a tear to my eye. Well done x

11-04-13, 22:59
You're way too brave to be an idiot Peter..... You've done so well!!!!
I'm really proud of you.
It makes me feel like I will definitely do that flight of mine because you're success and how it makes me feel is an inspiration.
Perhaps I'll do the tunnel this year, you never know

12-04-13, 01:11

Thats amazing Peter, well done! You achieved something huge today and should be very proud of yourself! It also gives everyone on this site hope that with alittle courage we can overcome our fear and anxieties just as you have today. The eurostar staff sound like they treated you very well - champagne, quite right!

Congratulations again and hope you enjoyed your pizza!

Wishing you the best
Hannah :hugs:

12-04-13, 11:44
Well done Pete. I am so plesed that you had a great day.
Now you have had time to reflect on your day are you going to do it again? Don't leave it too long.