View Full Version : Convinced I have something wrong.

17-03-13, 00:40
I've had a bad backache on and off since October, but the last 6-8 weeks it has been everyday, it's right in the lumbar area just above my bum in the middle of my spine.

Seen a couple of doctors, both say muscular/skeletal problems. I'm on diclofenac 50mg and co codamol 30/500mg, that I alternate every 2-4 hours.

I'm fine walking about, but as soon as I sit down or lay down it hurts. I'm going private for physio on the 1st April when my policy renews ( got to wait due to policy renewal clause on my excess otherwise I pay now and again in April!! )

My GP has referred me through the NHS to the hospital, 4 times he's sent the fax but still I've heard nothing, hence going private.

The last week I've slowly convinced myself I have a tumor or something serious in my spine.

I've told my Husband and close friend and my mum, all say I'm being silly and I've clearly just pulled something or possibly even slipped a disc. Bad backs does run on the female side of my family too, my mum has suffered for years with hers on and off.

I do have a couple of days where it's hardly there, then I go overboard on housework as I feel ok, and then that night or the next day I am in agony.

I work with children too, I do one to one every other week for a couple of days with a child who has Downs Syndrome, he has a lot of physical needs so I'm on the floor a lot sat down with him, or lifting him up as his balance is not very good. I also do lunchtime supervising every day which means I am constantly bending over LOW tables, and bending down to tie shoe laces or zip up coats.

I know bad backs can take a long while to heal. I've been examined, I have no other symptoms just the backache.

I just feel like I'm going mad now!

I've suffered with HA on and off for years and up until now I've been ok for well over a year. I've been pacing up and down all night and getting anxious. HA seems to run in my family, my brother suffers with it and now his 18yr old daughter seems to be starting with it.

I have two children, and until my 9 year old was born I never experienced any panic/anxiety attacks, no HA and no depression. But after I had him I got PND which left me with Panic and anxiety attacks then HA.

My husband is good and understanding but I feel stupid for feeling this way. I can't seem to snap myself out of it.

17-03-13, 04:47
I have back problems too. Have you been for a massage or tried yoga/stretches etc? I'm sure it's nothing serious like what you think it might be, but I totally understand where you're coming from. I have had my back checked out too and while I know it is probably just tension related I can't helpl thinking in the back of my mind that it's something more serious. I went for a massage the other night and it felt so much better afterwards, so it really must be muscular. If you tried that and it felt better then would you be able to stop worrying about it being more serious?

17-03-13, 11:24
I have had lower back pain since xmas, which is what caused my most recent bout of HA. I went to loads of doctors and 2 osteopaths, no of whom knew what was going on and kept saying it feels like I've fallen on my coccyx, but I hadn't! Anyway, I spent over 3 months absolutely terrified that I had a tumor. Last week I went to a good chiropractor and in one hour he carried out tons of tests and pinpointed exactly where the trouble spots were and began treatment. I have seen a massive improvement in the pain with just one session. I would highly recommend seeing a good chiropractor.