View Full Version : What should be my next step?

17-03-13, 11:02
Morning all,

I am struggling to know what my next step should be.

Quick recap

Suffered first panic attack in October 2012. Classic heart attack symptoms so went to A&E where I had every test done. All fine. Since then I have had numerous other episodes but never quite as bad as the first one. The nett result is I am now completely obsessed about my health and every twinge caused me anxiety and this results in chest tightness and tingly left arm and hand.

I am on 80mg slow release Propanolol, but as yet not wanted to be prescribed any other meds. I have an appointment with my GP on Tuesday since my 56 days of Propanolol are nearing the end.

For the last 2 weeks my symptoms seem to be with me 24/7. The main symptom is a weird feeling under my left arm pit and really tender neck. When I think about it, which is nearly all the time during the last few days, my chest tightens.

I never get this feeling when I am busy, or when I am fully distracted. In fact I can almost bring a panic attack on at will, so I am convinced it is HA and not something physically wrong with me.

BUT.... What if I am wrong and the doctors have missed something? It's the armpit and neck thing that I am finding so disconcerting. What physical disorders could cause this???

Getting CBT here in Preston is a 9-12 month wait. I will be talking to my GP about a referral, but should I also ask him to prescribe me Benzos? Are there any more tests I should insist on?

I am going out of my mind with worry and it is affecting my relationship and lifestyle. Please help???


17-03-13, 12:51
Cbt4panic which is now free, ct-online it has a link somewhere on this website if you look at the therapies section. Don't wait a year to start this when there is such an excellent self help programme for free!!

17-03-13, 16:53
Thanks Pinktel. I'll have a look for it later.

Another thing I have noticed is my symptoms are worse between 1 hour of waking up and about 3 in the afternoon. Evenings are usually fine and I sleep fine. This reassures me it must be anxiety as surely a physical problem would be time independent!!!

Hope everyone is having a good Sunday :)