View Full Version : Dizziness

12-09-06, 22:29
I felt i was getting over these feelings of dizzines but on Sunday in the supermarket I felt I was going to faint and it was overwhelming. Since then I have not been able to go out. I am currently lying on the sofa failing dizzy. What I don't understand is I was feeling very relaxed and happy when this attack took place in the supermarket and I don't know what triggered it. Has anyone else experienced this where they have felt great one moment then felt they were going to pass out?



12-09-06, 22:40
Yep - happened all the time. I had the dizziness constantly for over 2 years. Didn't know correct breathing would help as no-one told me!

Make sure you eat well and exercise too. Even when you feel dizzy you can do some walking and it helps.


12-09-06, 22:44
Hi Chill, I know exactly how you feel, I have been doing pretty good the past few months then had a bit of a set back a month or so again, It wasn’t to major, but the last couple of mornings I have got out of bed to go to the loo and really got dizzy big time, What a fright? I had to hold the wall to walk a few steps as I was sure I was going to fall, so I ended up going back to bed, It always seems to hit you from nowhere? The main thing to do now is not avoid the place it happened as you know that will only increase the agoraphobia and then make the dizzy spells more often. Take care, hope u feel better soon. Vernon

12-09-06, 22:50
Hi Chill

I can understand how you feel, i get the dizzy spells also out of the blue, i have trying to concentrate on my breathing while out, and realised i wasnt breathing properly, taking some nice big deep breaths usually takes the dizzyness away.



12-09-06, 23:06
Hi I get the same feeling,could never understand why it just happens.I have problems with the breathing and also blood sugars.I get the dizzy feeling just walking sometimes.;)

Ellen XX

13-09-06, 09:24
i seem to have this a lot too, it just comes out of nowhere and is very scarey!!! i just read about correct breathing so will try that, hope it works
Mandy x

positive attitude brings positive results

13-09-06, 09:39
Thanks everyone. It is reassuring to know that I am not on my own. It is just so scarey. I used to enjoy walking but I have to admit I have lost all confidence going out on my own in case I faint. I really haven't exercised properly in 3 months and i know it is important to get back into it. Thanks again.


13-09-06, 12:40
well this is how my anxiety and panic attacks came about...
i felt fine one minute then bang went dizzy and felt i would faint...it was like something had overtook my body-that was 26 november last year-and i have never been right since...
it set the "what if i faint, pass out off"..than i started with panic attacks and wondered what was wrong, then came the health anxiety-horrible, i should have left the faint feeling, not worried about it cos ive felt dizzy and had the what if i faint feelings everyday since!!!
take care

13-09-06, 12:58
Hi Chill,

I can totally relate to you. I have been housebound for the last week due to bad panic attacks - I am just so scared to go out of the house because I fear I will panic and feel dizzy and faint.

I have set myself a little challenge of walking up the road to the shop today to get something but I am winding myself up about it. I don't want to go out on my own because I am scared I will feel dizzy and faint. I would probably be ok to go if someone else went with me but I need to try and make myself.

Take care,

Cyn x

13-09-06, 13:07

I also try telling myself while im out,"So What!" "What if i do faint!whats the worse that can happpen,nothing really!, theres lots of people around that will help!" thinking like that gives me reasurrance. And i must add that in the 10 years i have suffered with these dizzy im going to faint episodes i havent fainted once.



13-09-06, 13:39
Thats reassuring to hear Honeybee. I think my fear is more what people will think of me fainting than the actual act of fainting itself. Before I got all these troubles though I wouldnt have minded fainting in public as I know if I saw it happening to someone else I wouldnt think bad of them at all! Now though its like I am worried incase i faint and they know its down to anxiety and see me as a weak person! Theres some logic in there somewhere lol.

18-09-06, 00:02
Hi Chill,

I also understand exactly how you feel about thinking the dizziness comes completely out of the blue. If I concentrate all the time I can keep it under some sort of control and can pre-empt a dizzy attack but if I ever relax for even a minute and begin to think I may be ok then wham it hits like lightning, and everytime it has happened I could swear I had felt ok and wasnt worried about anything, until this morning when it happened and I cannot say that I had actually been relaxed I am sure a couple of times I did think 'what if' but then tried to force it out of my head as though it hadnt happened. So maybe I was wrong about the times before, I just dont know

I do know that this condition is the most complex and confusing thing I have ever been through

Sharon x

18-09-06, 14:16
This dizzy / faint feeling is totally normal for anxiety. Mainly linked to breathing or a quick adrenalin burst.

It is one of the last symptoms usually to leave you as you improve but it does go. Grounding yourself, some blunt self talk and good breathing helped enormously as well as exercise and a good diet with no caffiene or sugar hits.

Spaciness (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=2696)
Light Headed (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=2951)
dizzyness (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=3062)
Jules31 (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=310)
Light Headed (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=2951)
Very dizzy (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=3743)
help :( (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=3742)
vertigo, diziness (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=4877)
Vertigo type sensations (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=5669)
New to this site and need some advice :( (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=5961)
Is my head normal??? (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=6731)
Anxiety + Panic + Stress + Dizziness + some relief (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=6338)
Dizziness - I hate it, any help? (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=6854)

Has anyone ever fainted? (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=7611)
passing out during attacks (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=8997)
thank you and goodbye (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=9417)


proactiveness, positivity, persistence, perseverance and practice = progress

24-09-06, 19:43
Hi all,
I keep feeling really dizzy too but nobody had ever told me that it was down to the way i'm breathing.
So thanks I now know what to do next time I feel like it... fingers crossed it works!
Tracy x

09-11-06, 17:16
Hi to everyone, I too feel dizzy all of the time and like i am drunk. even walking round to the corner shop is a chore as i feel that i am going to pass out. i can,t go anywhere on my own and even when i am with someone it does not take it away. Sheree x

sheree ritchie

28-04-08, 13:11
Thats reassuring to hear Honeybee. I think my fear is more what people will think of me fainting than the actual act of fainting itself. Before I got all these troubles though I wouldnt have minded fainting in public as I know if I saw it happening to someone else I wouldnt think bad of them at all! Now though its like I am worried incase i faint and they know its down to anxiety and see me as a weak person! Theres some logic in there somewhere lol.

I totally understand your thinking here. I have had anxiety problems for the last 3-4 years which started with panic attacks during a stressful time and has left me agoraphobic (but fighting!). I have felt very ashamed of the fact that I have a problem which is a mental health problem and I worry what people will think of me if they knew. I know that I am sane and rational but until someone experiences panic and anxiety for themselves they have no idea what it is like. I also know how I would have judged people like myself before I knew what it is like! I so wish that we could be more open about panic/anxiety disorders - it would relieve the pressure so much to find someone else out there who struggles with the same problems. It is easy online like this because we are all anonymous but I keep quiet about my problems to the people around me. It is really stressful always finding ways to adjust my life to accommodate my limitations. However, I am still fighting back and do not intend to let this thing spoil my life. The one thing I wish for is an instant "off switch" for the dizziness.

28-04-08, 14:04
I think supermarkets are the worst place for my dizzies , I think it's something to do with the lights they use to make everything look super atractive.
But seeing as you've had a dizzie free spell I would contact your doctor if it persists for more than 48 hours,specially if it's causing you to feel nauseous, there's lot's of bugs about that can also cause the dizzies.
Hope you feel better soon.

28-04-08, 18:09

I know it's all probably stressed related but please bear in mind the following:

If you are at home, not stressed, laying on the settee and are still dizzy then you should go and see your doctor who will check your ears/balance organ.

Also, someone said that they went dizzy when they got out of bed - this could be blood pressure or a very common form of vertigo that comes on when you stand up from a laying position.

I have spent a lot of time with doctors who put every symptom down to stress when it might not be. Just because a symptom may be caused by stress doesn't mean it is caused by stress especially if you have it persistantly.

I've been suffering from dizziness on and off for years. My doctor kept telling me to breathe deeply and I'll be fine. I changed doctors who told me straight away to stop deep breathing as much deep breathing can cause dizziness!! (what helps me is to do the opposite. I have to completely empty my lungs a couple of times when I feel I can't breathe).
Thanks to x-rays and other tests I now also know that my dizziness is caused by damage to my neck. Sometimes though my anxiety makes it worse as I get anxious about collapsing in public!

all the years I kept being told it's all in your head and I now know it's not!
My new doctor also told me to stop ignoring symptoms. Everytime something was wrong with me I would just put it down to stress and ignore it. He was not happy about this!
For a lot of people dizziness is stress related but some people will blame stress when it's not.
It's always best to at least get your blood pressure, hormones and ears checked by a doctor.
From someone who is permantly dizzy and now knows it's not stress related!
