View Full Version : Shattered!

17-03-13, 16:21
I can't believe all my symptoms are anxiety and worry. I am absolutely shattered and fatigued all day every day. I only sleep about 4-5 hrs a night if I am lucky and sweat all night. My eyes feel heavy, tired and watery and left sided headaches.I feel like I can't breath properly and the back of my throat feels hot. I have a pain in the right side of my back when I breath. I have nausea and loose bowels, I can't stop crying and feel quiet and down. I look pale and dark circles under my eyes and I think I look ill but everyone says I just look worried.
I try and do stuff but I just feel unwell and can't do it and this gets me down and reinforces that something is wrong.

17-03-13, 16:30
Zippy I was feeling just the same as you a few months back. Thankfully I can now see the light at the end of the tunnel. Focus on the positives (I Know it may feel like you may not have any at the moment). Take one day at a time and give yourself time to heal. Eat little and often and try to eat healthy foods. Drink chamomile tea and listen to relaxing music If you can get outside, even for a walk in the garden, do so as the fresh air will do you good. You get to a better place, it just takes time. :hugs::hugs:

17-03-13, 16:37
Thanks Annie. I have had HA in the past but I have never felt this bad. I had a liver scan on Friday because my liver function test was high but all was ok. I keep thinking the sweating at night, nausea, fatigue and lose bowels are cancer somewhere and keep thinking stomach or lungs now even though all my other bloods were ok.
Did you have most of these symptoms? The fatigue is so debilitating.

17-03-13, 16:49
I had constant nausea and loose bowels, sweating one minute, shaking and shivering the next, dreadful fatigue and yes very debilitating. It does sound like anxiety and once you can accept that, that is what it is you will be able to deal with it better. I do hope you will start to feel better soon as it is the most awful feeling ever. :hugs::hugs::hugs:

17-03-13, 17:00
Thanks Annie. I just can't seem to accept that it could be anxiety because I feel so poorly and different. I have been like this for about 6-7 weeks now. I can't stop thinking something is going on undiagnosed. I get fleeting moments of thinking rationally that my other bloods would be abnormal but then the irrational side takes over because I feel so poorly.

17-03-13, 17:03
I can't believe all my symptoms are anxiety and worry. I am absolutely shattered and fatigued all day every day. I only sleep about 4-5 hrs a night if I am lucky and sweat all night. My eyes feel heavy, tired and watery and left sided headaches.I feel like I can't breath properly and the back of my throat feels hot. I have a pain in the right side of my back when I breath. I have nausea and loose bowels, I can't stop crying and feel quiet and down. I look pale and dark circles under my eyes and I think I look ill but everyone says I just look worried.
I try and do stuff but I just feel unwell and can't do it and this gets me down and reinforces that something is wrong.

This is me a few months ago!! I constantly got told I looked like I had the weight of the world on my shoulders. I had all the symptoms you do and more besides, people only have to read my past posts to see how many serious things I thought I had wrong with me. I still feel ill and although my GP has ruled out things, I still worry. I used to cry all the time too. I agree with Annie , it takes time to improve, I have been like this since last May and sometimes can't see the light at the end of the tunnel, but every day that is not too bad is a victory for me.
Anxiety can do some really weird things to our bodies, I would never have believed that it such a powerful emotion.
Take Care. xx

17-03-13, 17:03
Anxiety really does make you feel so poorly, honestly I thought I would never get better but here I am on the road to recovery. I have even been to the cinema today :D If you read some of my earlier threads you will see how ill I was. I couldn't even leave my bedroom I just felt so ill and exhausted. :hugs:

17-03-13, 17:19
I know I struggle to get up in the mornings, I wake up about 5 a.m every morning and toss and turn but I am too tired to get up. I feel like I can't breath today and thinking the pain in my back is lungs and that the nausea etc is stomach or bowels. I feel blood tests aren't enough and only tests will reassure me.

17-03-13, 17:59
I know I struggle to get up in the mornings, I wake up about 5 a.m every morning and toss and turn but I am too tired to get up. I feel like I can't breath today and thinking the pain in my back is lungs and that the nausea etc is stomach or bowels. I feel blood tests aren't enough and only tests will reassure me.

Zippy, that is where I made the mistake...mornings! Mornings are my worst time but the longer I stay in bed the more anxious I get. Now as soon as I wake up, I open the curtains a bit and switch the TV on in my room then I go down to get myself a small bowl of cereal and a cup of tea and take it back to bed. I then either get a bath or a shower. If I keep this routine I can cope with the day much better.

17-03-13, 18:25
I have to get up during the week for the kids for school. I just feel i am never going to be ok again. I started fluoxetine 5 weeks ago and i dont feel like they are working because i am still crying etc.

17-03-13, 18:36
I have to get up during the week for the kids for school. I just feel i am never going to be ok again. I started fluoxetine 5 weeks ago and i dont feel like they are working because i am still crying etc.
Zippy you will get better I have been the same and non stop crying, couldn't eat because I felt so sick, the little I did eat went straight through me. You will get better :hugs:

17-03-13, 19:29
It just seems a long time 2 months and not be getting any better.

17-03-13, 19:41
Anxiety often comes from trying to be strong for too long. 2 months is not a long time when it comes to anxiety, it took me much longer. What I have now learned is that we need to accept the anxiety, it is only when we accept it that we can overcome it. Don't push yourself to do things, your body and mind need time to rest. If you feel in a couple of weeks that you are no better with the medication, go back to see your GP it may be that you need a change of medication. Ask your GP about therapies as these may be helpful but there is often a long waiting list. There is a link to a free online CBT course that has helped me http://ct-online-info.com You could try this and hopefully it will benefit you. Other things that have helped me are chamomile tea (at least 4 cups a day) and Bach rescue remedy which can be bought in the NMP shop.

18-03-13, 11:13
Thanks Annie. I am seeing my gp on Wednesday and I am going to mention therapies.
I feel so ill and scared that something is being missed. I feel like I have got a mild fever all the time and just feel generally rotten. I have pains in either side of my back when I breath or cough and if I don't take anti sickness tabs every day I feel sick 24/7.

18-03-13, 11:42
Hi Zippy - this is a post I could've posted myself last year. Do you know what - it's a miracle I'm still here because this time last year I'd written myself off - lights out! I felt so ill - everything ached, constant right sided headaches, mentally & emotionally I was numb, I looked like crap (dull hair/skin, pale) - that's just touching the surface. I know they say you can worry yourself to death - for me, a truer saying couldn't be more appropriate. Well, that's how it felt!

Annie is right (hi Annie - been a while :flowers:) - you have to let go a little and just let the anxiety take it's course. Accept that's what it is and half the battle is (almost) won. I can't remember when/how it happened for me but it wasn't quickly. It was gradual and without meds. I came out from the worst last October and life couldn't be better. I've had little glitches and thought 'here we go again' but it never came to anything because I've learned to get past it, keep busy and most important of all relax (something I've never been good at). I really hope you feel better soon - hang in there. xx

18-03-13, 11:53
Thanks meche. Everyday is a struggle and I seem to be getting worse not better. I keep thinking I haven't long left with my kids and family. I have had my liver, spleen. Kidneys and gallbladder checked and I have a brain ct scan on Friday. All my bloods were ok except liver function. I keep thinking the nausea, loose bowels, sweating, pains in back and fatigue are with my stomach or lungs. I feel like I am slowly dying and no one believes how ill I feel. I don't know what else to do anymore.

18-03-13, 12:45
I believe you! Unless you've lived in our shoes, nobody has the right to tell you how YOU feel. It really is happening. For me, I couldn't believe it was anxiety because how the hell can a feeling cause so many physical symptoms. Last year alone I had numerous strokes, aneurysms, tumours - oh, and MS! Bad year eh!

You keep saying 'I keep thinking and I feel like' - well, that's half the problem. Please don't be offended by that. What I mean is we overthink, toss ideas around, convince ourselves of the very worst scenario... and then it's too late. Idea in head, won't go away! Even today if I choose to think about that ache in my shoulder or that random shooting pain in my eye I could easily convince myself I have some nasty disease. I know you've probably heard it loads and loads of times before but distraction really is the best advise I can give you. Even if it's only for 5-10 minutes and you forget you have ?????, it's a start! xx

18-03-13, 12:56
I am not offended at all. I do try and distract myself but I just feel so ill that it reinforces something serious is up. I thought when I had my liver scan last Friday I would have felt a little better but I just keep thinking it must be something else like my stomach or lungs etc.
My friend keeps saying to me all my other bloods were ok so I should be reassured by that but I am not.

18-03-13, 13:33
You should be reassured but I completely understand your thinking. You will never feel reassured until they find something because you've already convinced yourself that something is very wrong and they're missing it - fully qualified medical doctors! Deep down, you know they won't find something because nothing is wrong.

I remember my doctor asking me last year what I thought was wrong with me because I had pins/needles and numb fingers - it was deinitely MS. She almost fell of her chair. She was shocked that I could even think it. Turns out I had mild RSI through years of computer use. Then I had long periods of feeling dizzy and sick - turns out I had an inner ear issue which I still have on/off. My bloods came back one time with low sugar because I hadn't eaten that day. One night I sent myself to A&E because I thought I was dying, they did a urine test and I had a bladder infection - I didn't even think of that! I found a lump in my boob late last year and had to go for scans and a biopsy - guess what, it was fibrous! All of the above combined with anxiety is a recipe for disaster and it took me a while to believe any of it. Not every ache/pain has a reason though. You will hit that turning point believe me. xx

18-03-13, 14:05
I have a brain ct scan on Friday because I woke up at the end of November with vertigo, pressure in left side of head and headaches, I was sent to an ent who couldn't find anything. I pressured my gp to send me for a brain scan because I was convinced I had a tumour which he has and asked for my bloods done. My liver function test was high so I had further bloods done for hepatitis etc which were ok.i convinced myself it must be liver cancer and my head symptoms seemed to subside. My liver scan was clear so now I am thinking it must be something else because I have pains in my back and stomach. I am not thinking I have a brain tumour now even though I pestered my gp for a scan. I know I will be asking for a chest x ray next or an endoscopy and scared he will say no and it's going to be too late.
I want to be ok for my kids and partner because at the moment I am just existing.

18-03-13, 14:26
"i convinced myself it must be liver cancer and my head symptoms seemed to subside".

What does that tell you! If you read back what you wrote then you must know nothing is wrong! Liver cancer or tumours do not come and go when we want them to. When I found my lump all my worries about tumours and strokes went out the window.... because I had breast cancer! That's the thing with HA, one health worry is replaced by another and the old disease is miraculously cured for the time being. It's crazy isn't it.
So when the doctor does all the tests you want done and they come back clear, what do you do next? I don't mean to sound harsh but where do you go from there. What is the one thing that is really going to help you? xx

18-03-13, 14:36
I really don't know what to think if all the tests are clear and I feel like tests are the only thing that will reassure me at the moment or if the all the symptoms would just go I would be reassured.
Yes it's crazy, I hate it.