View Full Version : Cipralex 10 mg

17-03-13, 16:33
Ive been having major Anxiety and Depression, Im only 16 and people keep telling me it cause im growing up. My doctor is more concerned that i might have a mental problem cause my mom has psychosis and my brother has Bi polar. So my doctor prescribed me with Cipralex 10 mg to take at night but ive been feeling even worse, i have had no sleep since ive started ive been on it for 3 days, my head feels really heavy, and i cant stop shaking(in arms and legs) my mouth is really dry and i feel my heart is beating faster and ive lost all my appetite . Is this normal for the first while? When will things get better?

17-03-13, 16:45
Hey TierraD!

This is perfectly normal! Don't worry!

They are great medications and really do work BUT... the most annoying thing is about them that they take a couple of weeks to settle down and often make us feel worse before we get better! Seems stupid doesn't it!! Imagine a headache tablet that gets our headache worse before it gets better?!!

For now, just stick with it and know that it will get better. Just needs to get into your system. It's very common to feel all those things. I didn't eat for a few days after first being on the meds, I felt sick, couldn't sleep, very dry mouth, and heightened anxiety.

I was very concerned too and everyone assured me it would pass and sure enough it did. If your concerned then talk to your doctor. Other than that, we are all here to support and assure you.

Steven x

17-03-13, 16:51
Hey TierraD!

This is perfectly normal! Don't worry!

They are great medications and really do work BUT... the most annoying thing is about them that they take a couple of weeks to settle down and often make us feel worse before we get better! Seems stupid doesn't it!! Imagine a headache tablet that gets our headache worse before it gets better?!!

For now, just stick with it and know that it will get better. Just needs to get into your system. It's very common to feel all those things. I didn't eat for a few days after first being on the meds, I felt sick, couldn't sleep, very dry mouth, and heightened anxiety.

I was very concerned too and everyone assured me it would pass and sure enough it did. If your concerned then talk to your doctor. Other than that, we are all here to support and assure you.

Steven x
Well that is a relief , thank you for letting me know, i hope it doesn't take to long to kick in, cause its driving me nuts.

17-03-13, 17:53
Don't worry at all :)

Some lucky people apparently don't feel the start up side effects but for most of us we do! Every experiences them differently but the side effects always go!!

Cipralex is probably the best in these classes of SSRI's and have the least side effects for most people. I am on day 6 now and all is fine. Day 3 was the worst for me! Then everything has got slowly better since then.

Look at my post on this thread - "From Citalopram to Escitalopram", I said the same question! I was hating it!! People assured me things would get better and they have :)

Just relax, stay healthy, rest and sleep when and if you can.

Feel free to carry on posting on here. We can talk you through any concerns!

Steve x

17-03-13, 20:34
Tierra, Steve's already said everything so I will just wish you good luck feeling better darl x And I am so glad you are already so much better Steven xxx

18-03-13, 20:58
How are you now Tierra? :hugs:

24-04-13, 00:46
GP is now weening me off Amitriptyline and putting me on Cipralex

29-05-13, 14:32
I think, apart from possible teething problems with a new med...a lot of the grim feelings are in our minds. I know that as soon as I see a list of possible side effects, I get all of them!

31-05-13, 06:26
I'm the same starting up, I read all the start up effects and then watch out for them but must admit, Escitalopram wasn't that horrific to begin and it's helped me so so much x