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17-03-13, 18:22
I have a history of health anxiety for the last ten years or so and been for al sorts of tests but had a scare when i had been for a run i had i bit of blood in my urine . Its only happened once but my doctors has aranged a ultrasound scan which is tommorow . Anybody else sufferd with anything like this

17-03-13, 19:08
You can get blood in your urine with an infection so don't jump to the worst scenario. Hopefully you will get reassurance from the scan.

17-03-13, 21:42
Thanks for your reply

Anxiety Jim
17-03-13, 23:36
I had blood in my urine a couple of months ago, mine was due to kidney stones, which, although painful, aren't dangerous.

18-03-13, 13:39
I have a history of health anxiety for the last ten years or so and been for al sorts of tests but had a scare when i had been for a run i had i bit of blood in my urine . Its only happened once but my doctors has aranged a ultrasound scan which is tommorow . Anybody else sufferd with anything like this

I have been for my ultrasound scan today and they said it was fine an no problems i was so releaved but still have aches in my back i will just have to try and forget about it and move on and not let my H A get the better of me.

21-03-13, 10:22
Hi still feeling unwell started to think it could be something else now like galbladder or something still got back pains lower abdominal pains lower back pains i dont know why i do this but i need to get better soon as iam going on holiday it 8 weeks to florida just dont want to be ill when i go away. I have tryed to get back in to the doctors but carnt get into the doctors until monday.

23-03-13, 17:57
Hi still not well feel like i need to go to the toliot all the time iam 36 years old and male and my bits down below are feeling a bit soar and sensitive and my back still aches when i went back to the doctors i said this to him but he said he wasn't worried . I can feel my self tensing up my legs and bum some times . Just worried that it could be something else now not my bladder or my kidneys as the ultrasound came back clear but he hasn't said anything else about other tests he could send me for. Could this just be my anxiety its just i have never had this were my bits feel a bit soar and sensitive and my wee looks a bit yellower than normal he did check my urine 2 weeks ago at the hospital which came back OK but iam not sure what he tested it for. Any advice please would be great

23-03-13, 18:16

I think this really could just be your health anxiety. Had you not found a bit of blood in your urine a while back, I don't think you would of been able to notice the back ache but now you have associated your back ache with kidneys, and kidneys to urine etc.

The colour of your urine just shows how dilute your urea is. Drink plenty of water and you will soon see that urine becoming paler.

A urine test in a hospital shows a fair bit! For example:
blood in the urine may be a sign of different diseases in the kidneys, the urinary system or the bladder.
sugar in the urine may be a sign of diabetes.
protein in the urine may be a sign of a kidney disease and can be used to detect the early signs of kidney damage from long-standing diabetes.
biochemical analysis of the urine can assist in the diagnosis of kidney stones, myeloma and porphyria.
analysis under a microscope of cells (cytology) shed from the lining of the bladder that are present in the urine, can assist in the diagnosis and treatment of bladder cancer.

So that's pretty conclusive that everything to do with that system of your body is all good.

Take back pain as something else, maybe just back pain?! I would say from everything you've written that this is HA.

I hope I've put your mind at ease.

Steven x

23-03-13, 18:23
Hi thanks for the reply steveo much appreciated

27-03-13, 13:50
I i have been woried that i have testicular cancer now even though the doctor checked them a few weeks ago for lumps iam going round in circles here thinkig that it could be prostate cancer now as well i carnt seem to shake this feeling off iam 36 and going on holiday in 7 weeks to florida with my kids i need to snap out of this anh advice please.

27-03-13, 14:03
Can you see the fear cycle you're in?

You're mind has been slightly relieved now about kidney and bladder cancer so now you have found a new worry. Testicular cancer you can rule out if your doctor checked for lumps a few weeks ago.
Prostate cancer, if you're concerned you can get tested at the doctors although it means a finger up the back passage just to warn you.

It's always good to be cautious about our health but there comes a time when we are over cautious and it takes over our thought patterns and causes much unessessary stress and anxiety.

Do you have any symptoms that might suggest you have either of these cancers?


28-03-13, 13:39
Hi thanks steveo i can see the fear cycle iam in but can't seem to shake it my symptoms are frequent urination back ache left side more just above my rib cage and it goes round to my front lower abdominal discomfort bloted stomach my urine looked a bit cloudy this morning seams ok now . I just can't seam to get the idea that is is cancer even though i have had this thought many times before i just keep thinking this time it could be i hate feeling like this iam back in the doctors next Thursday as this is the earliest i could get in.

07-04-13, 18:19
Hi i went back to my doctors and he checked me over again and said he wasnt worried i ask could he send me for some tests he said what test do you want me to send you for i said what about a blood test he said if that will put your mind at rest ok. Should i trust my doctor my blood test should be back monday or tuesday can doctors realy tell if its just anxiety or do they just say that . The doctor was very nice and must have spent nearly 20 minutes with me talking to me and checking me over and he has given me some new meds to take instead of fluxatine he has given me dosulepin 1 75mg tablet before bed. Any advice please i would realy appreciate thanks

07-04-13, 18:39
I think you should trust your doctor and the blood tests will show any problems :) Also most people have cloudy urine or darker urine first thing on a morning. Frequent urination is common with anxiety. With prostate problems it is more like feeling like you need to go more often but it not coming out very well and not very much. My husband has had prostate problems and had an op a couple of years ago. I am sure you have nothing to worry about there. I don't know how old you are but it is very rare in men under the age of 60 (my hubby was 62 and luckily his was benign) and the average age for prostate cancer is 70.

07-04-13, 19:15
Hi thanks Annie for your reply iam 36

07-04-13, 19:24
Then I don't think you have anything to worry about :) I also take dosulipin and it has worked really well for me. The only side effect I had was a dry mouth when I first started taking it but no side effects now.

07-04-13, 20:38
Hello Lees

I can only tell you that I had an abdominal ultrasound and they look at the pancreas, gallbladder, kidneys, liver, bladder and prostate if you are a man so they would have seen if anything had been wrong with these organs.

Hope this reassures you.