View Full Version : worried out me mind

Granny Primark
17-03-13, 19:32
My 28 year old daughters found a breast lump. This is the 2nd one shes had. The first one wasnt cancerous and felt different to this one.This one seems to be attached to her skin. Shes going the docs tomorrow. She hasnt told me that her partner ha.
Shes scared of worrying me. But thats what us mums are for arent we.?

17-03-13, 19:48
Hi Lynn, I was thinking about you earlier today and was going to PM you to see how you are. You know Lynn my kids are just the same with me, they tell my husband when things are wrong but don't want to worry me. You are right though, that is what us Mum's are for but it is good that they think about not worrying us. :) I say to mine "but you worry me more if you don't tell me!" Hopefully Lynn, this will be non cancerous like the last one. My step daughter had a non cancerous lump removed and a couple of years later got another one and worried that this time it would be worse news but thankfully it wasn't. She had the lump removed but it was benign. I hope all goes well for your daughter when she has it checked and sending lots of hugs for you :hugs::hugs::hugs: xx

18-03-13, 08:30
I hope she gets the all clear Lynn.x:bighug1:

18-03-13, 08:51

I really will be thinking of you. I could see yesterday how stressed you were and couldn't think straight.
I hope that your daughter gets the all clear from the doctor.:hugs::hugs:

Granny Primark
18-03-13, 09:56
well shes at the docs now and I cant concentrate on anything. Cant even pick me cup of tea up for shaking.
I just wish shed have let me go with her.
Thanks for your good wishes.

---------- Post added at 10:56 ---------- Previous post was at 09:57 ----------

Shes seen the doc and he says hes 90% certain it isnt cancerous but hes getting her a quick appointment at the breast clinic.
Oh we dont half worry bout our kid.
If im not worried about something im worried cus im not worried.

18-03-13, 10:04
"If im not worried about something im worried cus im not worried."

Oh I know the feeling so well :hugs:

Granny Primark
18-03-13, 11:01
Thank you.:hugs:
She was 6 months pregnant when she had the biopsy done on the other one so you can imagine the worry it caused us.
Thank goodness for this site and just knowing you can tell people your worries and get support.
I wont rest now properly until shes had the all clear again. Im sure that if I didnt colour my hair id be completely grey with worry.
Thanks again.:hugs:

18-03-13, 13:42
Lynn it can be so hard being a mum sometimes. I don't think we will ever stop worrying about them no matter what age they are. Big hugs for you. I can't put the smiliey hugs on though as I don't know how to do it on my phone! xx

---------- Post added at 13:42 ---------- Previous post was at 11:21 ----------

I should have said it is hard being a parent as I know Ricardo, you have a lot of worries too. Lynn I have to dye my hair too otherwise I am sure it would be totally grey by now. I hope it will be good news for your daughter. xx

18-03-13, 17:15
You obviously wont stop worrying until she gets the definite all clear, but 90% sure it is non malignant is a good result.:yesyes:

I worry constantly about mine too and usually it's justified with my son.

18-03-13, 17:44
I'm so sorry this is happening. It must be such a worry for you. The news does sound positive, but of course you will worry until your daughter gets the 100% all-clear. That's because you are a good mum who loves her daughter. I hope the appointment will come around quickly.

Granny Primark
20-03-13, 23:59
Shes got the hospital appointment for Monday.
Im relieved but worried sick cus she had to wait longer the last time. So im now wondering if the doc was more concerned than he made out to be.
OMG do we ever stop worrying?

21-03-13, 07:46
We worry if we have to wait and we worry if its sooner :) I am sure they have planned it sooner so that they can be 100%. Doctor said he is 90% sure and that sounds like good news but they will want to be 100%. I had a breast lump about 16 years ago and I was given an appointment the same week but everything was fine and it went away itself. :hugs::hugs: xx

Granny Primark
21-03-13, 09:00
Thank you so much Annie.:hugs:
Im becoming a pain in the bum with all my worrying.
So sorry.

21-03-13, 09:45
Lynn you are not a pain in the bum at all, look back at my thread when I was worrying about my son with his neurological problem. We wouldn't be caring Mums if we didn't worry about them but I think as anxiety sufferers we probably worry even more and jump straight to the worst case scenario instead of thinking that it could be something simple. No need at all to say sorry Lynn, I would be just the same. :hugs::hugs::hugs: xx

Granny Primark
25-03-13, 01:58
My daughter goes the hospital today. 10am.
Just wish that miss independent would let someone go with her.:shrug:
She says shes better on her own.
Sorry to be a pain.
I knew I wouldnt be able to sleep tonight.
Me hubby told me to lie on the edge of the bed and id soon drop off.:D:winks:

25-03-13, 08:19
Lynn my daughter is just the same with appointments. She always wants to go on her own. Let me know how she gets on. Try to keep yourself busy to keep your mind on other thingd this morning. xx

25-03-13, 08:32
I understand your daughter wanting to go on her own, I am the same if I have an important appointment.

Keeping my fingers and toes crossed for her.


Granny Primark
26-03-13, 09:19
Things went well yesterday at the hospital.:D
The doc is certain its a fibroid anoma like the last time.
She is to have regular scan and the first one will be in 5 weeks time.
Thanks for your support. I really do appreciate it.:hugs:

26-03-13, 22:22
I did wonder, my mum gets fibroid's. So pleased to hear it was good news.