View Full Version : I am so close to losing my mind

17-03-13, 19:48
I know no one usually comments on my posts and thats ok, I feel better just to sometimes get it off my chest. I am trying hard to get rid of this Health Anxiety, I am on zoloft, I am doing CBT and honastly I feel worse then ever. I have such bad upper left abdomal pain... of corse I think its colon cancer I have done the stool test to check for blood and that came back negitive, cancer tumor marker came back negitive, blood work done in February came back good.. not sure if blood work would change that fast or if I should get it re done. I lost my appitite and am losing weight so now for sure think I have cancer. I dont even want to be here anymore if this is what life is gonna be like.

17-03-13, 20:01
Have you had a look at a picture of the body's anatomy? Your colon isn't on your upper left. Also, bowel cancer usually has no symptoms so the fact that you have pain negates it being cancer. It's horrible not knowing what is causing your body pain, but you can rest assured if there was anything to worry about your doctor would send u for more tests. Have you tried peppermint oil capsules for the pain? That is what my doctor recommended, though I haven't tried them yet. Anxiety can cause you to lose weight - I was so anxious earlier this year that I couldn't swallow food and lost a few kilos.

17-03-13, 20:01
Lisa anxiety alone causes loss of appetite and therefore weight loss. How long have you been taking the zoloft? Maybe you should speak to your doctor about a change of meds if they are not working for you. All I can say is that life will get better. I have been in a terrible state with anxiety but now can see light at the end of the tunnel and you will get there too. :hugs::hugs::hugs:

17-03-13, 20:45
I know that no amount of reassurance is going to help as HA is so resistant to reassurance,but hopefully it helps to know that there are others myself included, who absolutely understand where you're at and how truly awful it feels. There is really no worse feeling than being so desperate that you just don't now what to do with yourself. I think all you can do is hang in there and believe that better days will come.