View Full Version : Does anyone relive symptoms?

13-09-06, 00:57
I was admitted to hospital with nervous breakdown from anxiety and depression. I couldnt eat or sleep and just broke down. I could not handle anything and didnt know what to do.

When I was released I was run over by a car.

I know it sounds funny and I guess in some ways it is.

My question is my depression has got worse and I relive the symptoms and the accident. My anxiety and depression much worse and I relive the pain of see the accident often.
My Psychiatrist used to be a big help but lately she seems to think I am a lost cause. I am on a lot of meds. Maybe she doesnt think that but I think she does. I feel a burden to all.

It is almost 7 months now. Is this normal.
All I want to do is sleep in my safe room.

MAny thanks

before one can discover new oceans, one must first have the courage to leave the shore

13-09-06, 09:01
Hi Paul
First of all I doubt your psych thinks of you as a burden.
Reliving the symptoms and the accident is very common and can go on for a very long time, it has with me.
It sounds like PTSD, and it may be your phych isnt trained in that field, as such why not see your GP and talk about what is happening, they may refer you for specialist treatment.
If you are still reliving the accident after 7 months then I would assume you do need some kind of counseling or therapy. Medication can help but after this long, and from my own experience, some kind of therapy would seem the best bet.
Its a snowball affect I am afraid, the depression can make the flashbacks worse, which can make the depression worse and so on and so on.
However, there is help out there and your GP would be the best bet for a chat about this. Its not easy but coming on this site shows that you do want to get better and if thats the case, things will improve. Dont expect immediate results as it may be a lomg slog, but you can get there.
To answer your final question, yes its "normal", be open about it, talk to your GP, psych and family and friends.

Take care


14-09-06, 08:08
Thank You


before one can discover new oceans, one must first have the courage to leave the shore

14-09-06, 08:28
Hi Chop

My Main problem is because of the trauma i went through. I was held at Knife point by a armed robber which as left me with a feeling of been trapped where ever i go. I only felt safe in my home, but with Councilling and CBT it as got easier.

Ask your GP for Councilling it will help you i promise.



17-09-06, 07:54
Thank you
I feel better today.

Many thanks

before one can discover new oceans, one must first have the courage to leave the shore

02-11-06, 12:52

what kind of injuries did you suffer when you were run over?
(the only reason I ask is were doctors able to put you back together in a kind of working state, like me I had plates, nails screws in my body for 2 yrs)

I had serious broken bones after a motorcycle accident (not my fault, female driver drove straight across me) 20+ yrs ago.

I lived on the edge until last year when I had one final outburst of anger and got myself into trouble and was made to have psycho therapy.

CBT and controlling thoughts and elimination of alcohol and reading of books like 'Emotional Intelligence ' have all helped.

I still suffer great physical discomfort at times, but now at least I am in control of my symptoms, rather than they control me. My emotions are kept in check now.

There are some great videos you can download on PTSD



PTSD effects all ones coping abilities with life and stress, reduces our coping levels and resets all our trigger levels for imploding/exploding.

you are not alone and this great forum is a real help

Roxanne Harris
03-11-06, 15:42

Thanks for posting the link, I am constantly looking for ways to improve my life and this could be one more "weapon" in my fight for wellness.

"Never give up and never give in".


Roxanne Harris
03-11-06, 15:43
Actually it's Dave I need to thank! Thanks for the link Dave!!

"Never give up and never give in".


04-11-06, 09:43

you are welcome.

stay focused


07-11-06, 17:29
Hi, chop. I really feel like I have very little business in this section as I have been very fortunate, but I did have an accident about 15 years ago and I still get terrified with similar circumstances.

I had been driving 45mph one way and an 18-wheeler was going 45 the other way on a 2 lane road. It was a beautiful sunny day, but there had been a good amount of snow a couple days ago and a big chunk of snow and ice flew off of the truck and through my windsheild. The police asked me how my head was still attached to my body, as the rearview mirror and the windsheild wipers were in the back seat and the steering wheel was bent at 45 degrees. The answer is simply that I ducked. I saw it coming and ducked beneath the dash. I walked away with some glass in my face and - really disgustingly - up my nose (You can laugh at that... I do!) and a cut on my hand, but nothing that even required stitches. So I have to conclude that it is 100% normal to still be in fear and reliving such a traumatic event a mere 7 months later. Maybe it's time to seek a new therapist if this one seems to have given up on you. You aren't a lost cause at all - I'm quite certain of it. Good luck to you and hang in there!!