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View Full Version : bit of a flare up

17-03-13, 23:14
guys I am typing this at 1038 pm, its obviously dark and I am the only one awake, yes this sounds a bit like a low rated horror movie, forgive me.

I have PTSD and am hyper vigilant to noises, especially bangs, and atm outside there are a lot of loud taps and bangs. My "sensible" side is saying someone has forgotten their key, stop being ridiculous, make a hot chocolate and go to bed, but my "Paranoid" side is stopping me. I keep dashing to the window to look.

If I write it down I might stop it and go to bed, but ATM I am waiting for the big BOOM and the mushroom cloud.

VERY nervy atm.

---------- Post added at 23:14 ---------- Previous post was at 22:42 ----------

my paranoid side is right tonight, there is trouble.

we have a full scale drunken fight outside our home at the moment, VERY freaked and waiting for my windows to come in, the police are aware and en route I am told, the worst thing I can do is go to the windows as there is a man with a scaffolding pole parading up and down inviting people out for a fight, but my hyper vigliance is screaming at me, go and check your home is ok, check the car woman!

17-03-13, 23:17
Scary! The good thing about things like this is the do pass, and most often nothing bad will happen to your house, its just them outside that get hurt.

17-03-13, 23:22
its good to "Hear a voice" if you get me.
The outside light (PIR) has gone off so I am assuming its safe to move, but I have been covered in a duvet (how is that going to protect me from a swinging scaffolding pole ?!?!) waiting to hear the sirens!

I will ensure every lock is tight tonight, and if I didnt have to walk home in the dark whilst a bit freaked I would move our car, but I have to decide its going to be ok and leave it there.

thanks for being here.