View Full Version : Is it health anxiety when you actually have symptoms?

17-03-13, 23:05
Hello everyone I am new to this having just registered.

I have come on here because between 2011 and 2012 I gave birth to my first baby and witnessed my mother in law die.

Since then I have become a complete hypochondriac.
However i DO have symptoms to be concerned about for example a lump on my neck but thankfully turned out to be benign also a mass in my lady bits which again was fine.
Last may I was told my b12 read low after a blood test and I didn't do anything about it. Last few days have had numbness in arms and fingers. Twitching of fingers and eyes as well as minor dizzy spells.
I have started a course of injections since Friday which will boost my b12 but obviously having googled symptoms have found out some neurological damage can be permenant.
I have odd pressure in my head now and then and am editing for injection course to finish hoping I will be ok.
I have been so worried about my health for 18 months now I feel like I am causing these problems. I sit and look at my son imaging if I wasn't here to see him grow , it is destroying me. I burden my husband and friends with my concerns constantly I have even gone so far by paying one if those ask a doctor websites arghhhhhhh!!
I'm 26 years old and it's taking over me I always feel like in going to die young. I imagine things like when I'm getting diagnosed what I can do to make my son remember me because I've been diagnosed with a terminal illness.
Sometimes as I'm falling to sleep I feel like I'm losing consciousness and I wake up quickly.

I don't want to feel like this snore but this whole b12 thing has unleashed every insecurity on me.

The fact i do have symptoms means its not all in my head

17-03-13, 23:25
Awww I'm sorry you are not feeling well. You have been to the Doctor's and have been checked, if it was a damaging low your Doctor would have told you. I do so understand how you feel, I worry about everything, and you have been through a lot, it's a no wonder you feel the way you do. You can create psychosomatic symptoms, and truly feed into them. You are so young, I'm sure you will be alright, enjoy your baby, and stay away from goggle. Maybe just ring your Doctor and tell him how you have been feeling, get checked, or maybe he could give you something to calm you down. Have you tried any counseling? In the meantime though you are in the right place for some great advice! Hope you feel better soon. :hugs:

17-03-13, 23:28
Firstly :welcome: stressed
You are not alone, I get the feeling like you are passing out when you fall asleep, I have planned my own funeral many times, I think of things like how my kids would cope without me and how I can make them remember me!
The fact is all of the symptoms you are having (and I am having) are all classic symptoms of anxiety! The two symptoms that are not anxiety related you have had checked and are fine.
Having a baby can be stressful/ traumatic enough but losing your mother in law too in that short space of time must of been awful for you. Sharing here really does help.
Have you talked about this with your doctor?
Google is never the answer :hugs:

17-03-13, 23:42
Thank you for your replies, I really appreciate it.well I mentioned it once but she shrugged it off. I tend to not tell her everything so she doesn't fully know.

I've been having this pressure in my neck tonight obv convinced myself I have throat cancer ! I need to do something to help myself just don't know what

17-03-13, 23:53
We can all fight this and get better we just need to find a way that suits us.
I would try talking to your doc, if she shrugs it off again find another doc. My old doc did not listen to me for years and now my new doc is helping me, arranging counselling for me and medicine to help with the anxiety symptoms.
Reading through the posts on here are very helpful, they make you realise your not alone.

18-03-13, 03:27
OH wow, I so know how you feel. I have some physcial symptoms that are not anxiety related, but I worry about them so much it causes anxiety. I have been having some Cognitive behaviour therapy which has helped immensly with this. Yes, you have physical symptoms, but you also have anxiety that is making you feel awful. The negative and worrying thoughts you have that accompany the physical symptoms are the anxiety and you can treat those. I would really really urge you to see a counsellor because I think it would do wonders for you.