View Full Version : Please help me im not feeling that well :-(

18-03-13, 00:52
Ive had an ok day today, but as soon as I went to sleep I got anxiety surges resulting in me feeling very drowsy and that im going to die if I fall asleep again. Im getting all panicy because Im that tired I just need to sleep but that frightened im going drift away and die :-(. Its awful I dont know what to do :-(
Somebody please help and reasurance.

18-03-13, 02:37
Hi Casswhite,

I understand what you're going through and it's very tough when you can't sleep for fear of dying. I have gone through this and still have times when its harder to nod off because of this but I still wake up every morning. There is no reason that you would not wake up. Your body needs sleep, it benefits from sleep.
Try not to worry about something that is not going to happen. Close your eyes and get a nice sleep and you will feel all the better for it tomorrow.

18-03-13, 03:21
People very rarely just die in their sleep for no reason, but I know how you feel because I've felt like that often. Are you worried about anything in particular that makes you think you're going to die? Maybe if we could help you rationlise your fears you would feel less frightened by them. Why would staying awake stop you from dying? Wouldn't you rather be asleep and relaxed than awake and frightened? When you are actually asleep are you still afraid of dying? Are you afraid of dying when you're relaxed? It's the anxiety that making you think like that. Try talking to your anxiety like it's outside of you and tell it to go away because it's not helping you, then try and replace those thoughts with nice things about what you're doing in your life to make you feel good and what healthy things you're going to do tomorrow when you get up and how those positive things are going to make you feel.