View Full Version : should i worry

13-09-06, 07:48
hello everyone just a quick question well when this all first started i had a heart rate of between 100-130 but blood pressure was ok gradually it has come down to sort of 70-85 but yesterday when i went and i must say i feel a bit better now it was 90-11o and when my blood pressure was normal my heart rate was faster and when she took it again my blood pressure was a bit higher and my pulse was ok does anyone think i should be worried im still dizzy most of the day but i feel better in myself any views would be great . thanks all xx

m potts

13-09-06, 08:05
Hi Melissa,

Everytime I get my blood pressure taken its always high. The nurses always laugh when they see me coming cos they know whats gonna happen. Same when I get my blood taken they can never find a vein strong enough. The main thing is you feel better in yourself and surely thats the most important thing hun.

Take Care


13-09-06, 08:17
hiya melissa, welcome to the forum, i hope you find lots of useful advice and make lots of great friends.
shell xx:D

13-09-06, 09:20
hi and welcome to the forum. im sure the symptoms are just due to anxiety, try not to focus on your heart rate and do something to distract yourself.

hope that helps
Mandy xx

positive attitude brings positive results

13-09-06, 09:46
Mandy (surreylady) summed it up!:D
Best wishes to you Melissa

13-09-06, 17:12
Hi Potts glad to hear that you're feeling better, i do too. B.P is measurement of blood pumping so if you,re anxious it will be slightly raised.
Take care love Matilda

13-09-06, 17:20
Hi Potts,

I was shocked last week also, when i went for my BP taking, i had very high blood pressure and my pulse was 125, Luckly thanks to this site i was told about white coat syndrome ( a fear of going to the doctors and having your BP taken) I purchased a BP monitor from Llyods Chemist £9.99 and have been taking my BP at home where im relaxed. Thankfully all my readings have been normal, what a relief. Might be a good idea to take your BP at home also.

Hope that helps



13-09-06, 17:23
Hi Mandy

When my blood pressure is high my pulse is about 78/80 and when my pressure is normal my pulse is about 85/90 sure I dont know why, but I dont worry about it.

Take care

Barb xxx