View Full Version : bad anxiety - missing a mail friend

18-03-13, 11:25
I suffer terribly from anxiety that comes from PTSD, and these of irregular heartbeat does not make my situation better.

I have so much anxiety in the body every day - 24 hours a day. Whether heart jumps or not ... some days it's just a "weird" feeling in the chest, then I panic, weak legs, tremors, uncomfortable, etc ... I have received therapy for more than 1 ½ years, but it does not help.

I have health anxiety, agoraphobia, comes nowhere alone , life stopped when I got PTSD and rhythm disturbance.

I studied with ECG, and scanning of the heart for 2 years ago, but fear every day that I may be suffering from blood clots and sudden cardiac death.

Should I be examined again? No medicine has so far been able to help me :-(

18-03-13, 11:35
I'm the same as you, I could of wrote your post. I have bad HA, and I am a nervous nelly everyday, and I worry about my heart, and having sudden cardiac arrest also. I am consumed in it. It stinks. I get some weird chest pains, and that sends me panicking. It's been quite a while for me with testing also, and I am going for my annual physical, and I am asking. Then I will feel better for about a week, and then it will be back! Never ending grrrrrrrr. I feel your pain. Hope you feel better soon. :hugs:

18-03-13, 11:41
Thanks panickyme , - :hugs: I also wish the best for you.

It is hell on earth ... Please tell me if you find the way out before me;-)

18-03-13, 11:46
I definitely will, and you also, if you figure it out before me!!!!! lol :hugs:

18-03-13, 12:00
Of course you will be the first! .... I figured out with my terapeaut one day that I thought the idea "I die" - or "something happens" ... 11500 times the last 6 years, lucky me - I'm still alive ....

But it does not work, I still have anxiety and I'm still afraid ... "what if ...." fills my body and my mind all day, all year round