View Full Version : Catastrophizing

18-03-13, 15:19
Hi everyone. I lost my job last week - I was fired, unjustly and have been pretty much dumped out of work with the mark of cain around my neck. I have suffered from depression for many years - it comes and goes - and many of its ways are very familiar, but none the less startling and upsetting for being so. I find the mornings very difficult. I wake up in something of an adrenalin fuelled flap. I am catastrophizing at present - and at times ruminating over problems. The 'what ifs' come thick and fast - and I feel worthless, stupid, and a failure. I am 54 - and changed career 10 years ago after being a senior school teacher for v nearly 20 years. I feel like I will never work again, and just be a dead weight around the neck of my fiancee and those in my family. Does anyone else have this kind of experience? How does one start to move out of it? Incidentally - anything which has a financial cost is ruled out - I'm broke. Would gratefully read any thoughts, shared experiences, tips, reads, befrienders - many thanks for all. Tommy

18-03-13, 16:05
Hi Tommy

Have a look at this thread


It is about a free CBT Programme that is offered by a fully accredited therapist, who himself has suffered from panic/agoraphobia

Some parts are relevant to you i.e. catastrophizing, rumination - lots of good advice on there

Definitely give it a whirl :)

18-03-13, 17:08
You could also try NoPanic.org.uk(as appose to No More Panic), for an annual membership fee of £12, you could join their telephone recover group which lasts for 14 weeks and is fantastic - speaking from personal experience, they also offer one to one counselling via the telephone.

20-03-13, 10:38
I feel as though I will never get over this - and that my life is over. I wonder if I should request an increase in my dosage of seroxat - from 30mg to 40 mg?

20-03-13, 11:08
You are going through a stressful time Tommy, Try not to be so hard on yourself.
Talk to your doc and they may be able to recommend something else or as you said, up your dosage.
Try and concentrate an some of the positive things in your life it helps me :)
I hope you feel better soon