View Full Version : Pain in middle finger on right hand

18-03-13, 18:56
About noon today I noticed a pain in my middle finger. It hurts to bend or use. No bruises what so ever. The pain is better when I keep my finger still. Moving it is very very painful. I do a job were I use my hands all the time but I'm worried still as theirs a lump on thr finger as seen in this photo
Getting panicky over it.

18-03-13, 19:07
I honestly cant see any lump. Anyway, if this is causing you anxiety my mind is immediatly doing the thing that my CBT therapist tells me to do..
Eg whats going on, whats the best outcome( A), whats the worst (B) and whats more likely (C) .
so for example with your finger..
A) Its going to grow into an amazingly strong finger that sprouts gold.. or whatever :P
B) Its going to drop off. Unexpectedly
C) Its a bit sprained, needs a bit of tlc but will be fine if you leave it alone :)

hope this helps xx

18-03-13, 20:18
I agree with Smit, I don't really see anything either, all looks normal. Might just be a bit sore from the work you do. It will be fine.

18-03-13, 20:44
Thanks guys.
Hoping resting it will work.

Smit the worst would be:
Cancer or a deadly infection and ill loose my finger
Most likely would be
Sprained but I can't see how!?
Best outcome
It's nothing to worry about!

It's very painful to bend and move makes my eyes water

18-03-13, 21:47
I can't see a lump. I think it will be fine if you are gentle with it for a few days.

19-03-13, 06:11
Thank you it already feels better this morning :)

22-03-13, 21:50
Pain is very bad today in middle finger can't use or move it without loads of pain