View Full Version : Bad experience at Post Office

13-09-06, 10:30
I am feeling a bit down that I went to the Post Office yesterday to buy some gas and electric and had a really horrible time. When the man put my gas card in his machine it jammed and I suddenly thought 'oh god I cant get out now if I need to - that flippin machine is on control of when I leave and it doesnt look good! My stomach was churning, my legs were shaking and I reall y did feel I was about to pass out. I couldnt even focus on the man and just had to nod. It came out about 3 minutes later but it felt like an eternity and I know its only a tiny amount of time but it was just the thought and of course I didnt know itd be out so quick.
I felt sick after that such a silly little thing had bothered me so much and also a bit cheated that of all the people that had happened to that it wouldnt have afftected it had to happen to me.

I was just starting to be able to go to the post office with few symptoms too!

13-09-06, 11:42
hi there missacorah

oh i so know how you feel. i went to the post office the other day and had a panic attack outside which really scared me, it was hell, i too have trouble focusing when i am in a panic which is a really scarey symptom for me. but we both survived it didnt we? I know about that trapped feeling too, i have to know i can leave if i need to, but you are doing fantastic just to get there and pay your bills. keep up the good work

wishing you all the best
Mandy xxxxxxxx

positive attitude brings positive results

13-09-06, 13:43
Thanks Mandy - i made myself go back in there today as they also have a supermarket section and got some milk. Felt a bit jittery especially when I got stuck behind the OAP who wasnt sure what brand cigarettes he wanted and then paid his £8 bill in a fiver and the rest 5 and 10p's lol. Feel like I am ona hidden camera show in that shop at the mo to see how far I can be pushed without leaving!

13-09-06, 15:09
Well done for going back in today - that was totally the right action!!!:D:D

I'm not keen on the Post Office either because of the whole queuing thing and mine too has a little supermarkety bit. I tend to make my daughter do the waiting and I float round the shop picking up a bit of this and a bit of that ready to depart any moment [Sigh...]

It all comes back down to not letting panic attacks spook you and when I have found the answer to that one I will let you know :D:D:D

Love Piglet x

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

14-09-06, 09:01
You were so brave to go back, thats excellent.

The same thing happens to me, i also get my mum or daughter to do it so i walk around the shop ready to run at any minite.

Isnt it weird its post offices and supermarkets all the time.

Take care suzanne

s shaw

14-09-06, 09:29
i work in the damn post office, imagine how i feel trapped behind the glass!, i hate being the other side more, there is always someone who takes forever, i totally understand, feels like you cant breathe, but you are doing so well
take care

we are all stronger people after having this

14-09-06, 13:50
hi there..i know how u feel...i used to be afraid of getting the tube, because my second panick attack i was in the piccadilly line..so i was havin 10.000 excuses not to take the train, and i still have some fear..like yesterday i left work and i was feeling a bit dizzy and out of breath and as i approach the station it got a bit worse, but then i thought to myself!! well if im gonna faint....im gonna faint...cause i will not give up..i will take the train, so i did!! i bought a magazine to distract me a bit...and it worked!! i made home...but when i got out of the station i realized i was a bit shaky, but everything was fine!!
We have to believe we will be better!!

14-09-06, 17:10
you are soo on the track to recovery, GOOD FOR YOU!!! darn those 5p's!
Becci x

14-09-06, 20:39
Going back in there was definately the right thing to do, so WELL DONE!!! :-)

I dont have a problem with queues (sp?) but old doddery people do annoy me slightly!! (sorry lol) x

'Never be afraid to try- remember, amateurs buit the Ark...professionals built the Titanic'

14-09-06, 21:32
I know what you mean about queues! I always tell myself I can get away really, there's nothing holding me there. Just the social aspect of what will people think.

But WELL DONE for going back the next day. That was amazing! And you stayed behind that man who made you wait longer. You definitly should give yourself a pat on the back. And you've still got your sense of humour... [8D]


06-02-10, 16:39
I understand completely, I can remember a similar incident where I was paying for an item of clothing with a debit card but the girl was new and had problems using the card machine (the card was fine I had used it earlier that day). This seemed to go on for an eternity and I could not look her in the face, i was a bit of a coward I am afraid, i called my wife over and asked her to use her card instead, of course I then did not feel trapped as it was not my card I would have to walk away from.

06-02-10, 17:21
I am exactly the same, and the queue at my local post office is always massive. I walk in and think :scared15: "oh noooo, here we go"
Waiting.........waiting........shuffling a few steps forward when need be, and all the while thinking, "everyone just get a move on, p-l-e-a-s-e!!"

Theres been so many times whilst in a queue, that I have typed out a random message on my mobile, (as if im txting someone for real) just as a distraction, when im feeling really wobbly. Better that, than dashing out of the queue, and feeling everyones eyes burn the back of your head as they try and figure out why you are leaving! :blush:

Very well done to you for going back down there the next day. x

09-02-10, 16:04
Nothing worse for me that having all my shopping in the trolly and then being in a long que - worse when I am packing as I think: I have to stay here and am trapped. I still make myself go but always i hate it...same with the PO. Well done for feeling the fear and doing it anyway.

To me that is what bravery is - its not about not being afraid, its about being afraid but carrying on.

09-02-10, 17:29
you are a brave person..i don,t think i would have gone back that soon..wow!!!!this shows you are trying to overcome your panic attacks..i used to get panic attacks in areas where my patience was tested so maybe there is a link with that..your mind gets stressed out and you think of silly things that sadly get bigger and bigger leading to the inevitable..
i would advice you look into this and have a look at CBT(Cognitive Behavioural Therapy)..it helped me alot..do some research..

hope this helps..

bobby diraag

margaret jones
09-02-10, 19:06
One up for this oldey i always have my cash ready in order to make a quick exit ( you will be fine if i am in the queue )

Take care Margaret O.A.P. with anxiety :)

11-02-10, 01:40
I hope I see you in the que Margaret....thinking we would help each other

11-02-10, 06:44
That has happened to me in the car with mom at the post office. Because my dad took two hours to come out i freaked.

11-02-10, 08:32
I have the same problem when I go to the supermarket. Before going in you have to walk through an indoor shoppping centre so even before you get to the supermarket door you are getting further and further away from the exit!!

Then as you can imagine, we need to get shopping items that are near the back of the shop, so to get out I have to walk all the way back through the shop, then out of the indoor part, its terrifying!!!