View Full Version : Taste issues

19-03-13, 03:28
Does anyone else have problems with their taste? I often get a horrible taste in my mouth that will last for days, sometimes even weeks. It makes food taste disgusting! I have been to the doctor and they don't know what it is. I have also been to the dentist and have been told that I have a cracked filling that needs replacing. My counsellor told me that she had all her amalgalm fillings removed and replaced with composite because they were giving her a horrible taste in her mouth and contributing to chronic fatigue. Has anyone had any experience with mercury fillings/anxiety/chronic fatigue/taste issues?

25-03-13, 01:26

I know this can be the case with cracked fillings. I've known people to complain about the awful taste in their mouth prior to the replacement of one.

Also, anxiety itself can cause changes in the hormones that your body releases. This can impact on the taste in your mouth, as some hormones released do have different tastes. I remember my partner used to be able to tell when I was suffering from extreme anxiety because he could taste the difference when he kissed me.

Hope this helps!

25-03-13, 05:53
Thank you. I'm going to get the filling replaced with composite. Am now worried I've got mercury poisoning as filling has probably been cracked for years :( Just did a google search and it was bad news! Okay, am going to stop thinking about it and just get replaced and make sure I start going to the dentist regularly!

---------- Post added at 18:53 ---------- Previous post was at 18:50 ----------

PS - interesting about your partner and your taste! Wow, he sounds very perceptive!

25-03-13, 08:59
I have had cfs/m.e for 12yrs and I had all my amalgam fillings out about 7 years ago but it hasn't made any difference health wise.
I have been getting a horrid taste in my mouth for about 2 months but don't know if it's anxiety or something else.