View Full Version : Sense of impending doom

19-03-13, 08:56
For the last month or so, I have had an inexplicable sense of dread/ impending doom...like I am dying or will die soon or that something bad is going to happen.

I had some massive health anxiety issues last year (moles removed, uncle died of bowel cancer, weird rashes, etc etc) but worked through them only to pretty much have them come back full force in the last couple of weeks. I have been to the doctor HEAPS lately for anything and everything and despite being perfectly healthy, keep thinking he has missed something. I think this has all been triggered by having two successive miscarriages - I've realised my own vulnerability and that bad things can happen to me.

I have everything to live for - a great partner, just engaged, great job, life is wonderful! I am just so sh*t scared that things can't possibly be this good! That something surely, will go wrong. Soon. It's horrible. I am having regular panic and anxiety attacks and worry ALL the time :(

It's not way to live and I just wish I could flick the panic switch back to off.

19-03-13, 10:59
I have had feelings like this also and it is such an awful feeling. Have you had any counselling? Counselling may be helpful to you especially after your miscarriages. I had 2 miscarriages before the birth of my daughter and I now have 3 children. Sending you hugs :hugs::hugs::hugs:

20-03-13, 10:05
Thanks Annie. It's nice to know I am not the only one who feels this way. I had some counselling after the second miscarriage and it helped for a while but now I'm wondering where to next!? Medication?

20-03-13, 11:56
Medication may help you to cope with your feelings, especially as you have already received counselling. :hugs::hugs: