View Full Version : heavy

19-03-13, 09:05
Hiya .. have been a member here a while but haven't posted much .

Two weeks ago i had a meg a panic attack and have been struggling with symptoms every day since.

the worst of the symptoms seem to have subsided ( the heart attack/ collapsed lung type feelings) and i have managed to go out by myself again, but now i feel battered and bruised and particularly my left leg feels heavy .I have had probs with left leg for 15 years since i had a DVT following surgery. but because my head is in that zone its hard to convince myself the panic has caused it . i saw the doctor on friday who examined my leg (and didnt think i was dying ) ! blood pressure was up though unsurprisingly. theres no reason why i should be having a clot (i've been walking about) theres no reason why this time it would be different to every time over the last 15 years that my leg has ached.. ONCE it was clot .. every other time it wasn't ... I know the logical explanations .. my head won't accept it . my left arm feels heavy too (and my back)

does any one else have this kind of thing?

19-03-13, 11:00
Hi sorry I cant be of any help with your current problem, but I know the feeling of feeling heavy esp after pa's and high anxieties, they are both physically and emotionally draining, not a nice thing. Doesnt help when our head wont accept the rational thought. If your really not happy though and definitely think something is wrong id go back to the drs or see a diff dr just to rule anything out.
With your thought is there anything you think that would help put your mind at rest about the situation?
Sorry im not of more help x

20-03-13, 11:12
thanks for your reply .. much appreciated .

I would constantly be at the doctors (and have been in the past) if i had to keep going for second opinions ..

the truth is there will always be that nagging part of my brain that tells me the doctors can get things wrong .. so it wouldnt matter how many opinions i got .

i drive myself loopy !

hope you are well today x