View Full Version : Heart scare

19-03-13, 09:41
So i knew something wasnt right for months ive been getting a hell of a lot of chest pains and frightening palpatations/shortness of breath etc - i went to my doctors 6 times they all put it down to anxiety - ive recently moved areas and visited my new doctor today, she listened to my heart and told me I have a heart murmer. I was shocked as my other doctors had not even mentioned that before, she seemed shocked too. My blood pressure is fine but i have a abnormal heart rate (ie its a bit fast) which i already knew.

Shes put me in for blood tests and an ECG at the doctors next week and also arranging me to have a 24 hour monitor and reffering me to the cardiologist - so now finally something is being done im really panicing as i think im going to drop down dead before next week!

Ive resisted googling as i know im just going to scare myself even more - The doctor said it usually means theres a small hole in the heart that exists from birth but you can live a normal life with it but there is a chance it could be serious hence why shes doing all these tests.

Has anyone got a heart murmer/problem? And any tips on how to remain calm for another week?

19-03-13, 10:48
Good for you insisting on a second opinion. I get a lot of chest pains, and they always say anxiety. I do not know much about murmers, but I think if your new Doctor felt it was life threatening, she would of admitted you right to the hospital. Good luck with all your test, I hope all turns out well.:hugs: