View Full Version : Health Anxiety.. a question

13-09-06, 11:43
Do any of you find that the symptoms of an illness are enough to throw you into an anxious state or a panic?

I have a sinus infection, but it's getting better. The first few days when I knew I was getting sick, I started to feel panicky. The days that the symptoms were full-blown (with horrible congestion,headache and fever) I was desperately searching for a remedy because I couldn't stand the symptoms. I was worried that the sinus infection would spread; that I would never get rid of it and that it would turn into something worse.

Now that I'm starting to feel somewhat better, I kind of have that same "coming down" feeling like after a panic attack.

It's weird.

13-09-06, 12:51
oh yeah-a few weeks ago i had a head cold and i was so worried...i couldnt make my mind up if it was something more serious (i had horrible head pressure)..or just cold-which it was cos it went within a week....isnt it crazy how we catastrophize everything?

13-09-06, 13:46
Yeah I think I have forgotten what it feels like to be properly ill without all these feelings of fear. Its like we are now ill with this always in the background!