View Full Version : I just want it to stop

19-03-13, 11:35
I've had enough of HA and all my symptoms and all my fears. It never stops, just as I find out one thing is OK I get more symptoms of something else, sometimes several things at once, I'm never OK and feel like I never will be.

I went to the doctor last year with night sweats - he ordered a chest and abdo and pelvic CT these came back with fluid round my heart and a lump on my liver, an echo and an abdo ultrasound later found my heart to be ok the cardiologist said the fluid around my heart was so small so it didn't concern him as this just happened sometimes so he told me he didn't need to see me anymore. The lump on my liver was most likely a hemangioma. However, I didn't like the 'most likely' so they repeated the scan after four months, it hadn't grown and they still thought it was a hemangioma so that's been put to rest. But i still have the night sweats. Also I got what looked like an infection in my belly button so was given antibiotics for that, turned out it was an irritation from the ultrasound gel, but the antibiotics gave me thrush. I treated the thrush but it didn't seem to go so my gynaecologist is looking into that and I'm still waiting for results. Anyway the night sweats, So I was sent to a gynaecologist who told me it was unlikely to be hormonal as all my hormone bloods were fine even though I'm getting periods every three weeks and the last one lasted 11 days, so he wanted a pelvic ultrasound which I had. This showed that my endometrium was thicker than it should be but he said it was still just within normal limits, but I have to go back in six months when I may have to have a biopsy of my uterus to check for cancer. My latest period started and stopped within a day so my fear of the thickened endometrium and endometrial hyperplasia is consuming me now.

It feels like it's never going to end and I still have no explanation of the night sweats :( I've had enough.

19-03-13, 11:46
Ha stinks, I totally understand were you are coming from, you have very good reason to feel like you do, look at all you have been through, and are still going through. I have symptoms with no answers which really freaks me out. We with HA always think the worse, and we have to have an explanation for every symptom we feel, and if we don't get that explanation I think we start feeding into the symptoms. I feel the same as you, will it ever end!!!!!!! Hope you feel better soon. :hugs:

19-03-13, 14:07
I totally can relate to you and understand. Some days it just feels like a roundabout that you can't get off. It's so draining and exhausting and it seems impossible to make the worry go away. I personally have had night sweats for years and they never bothered me until I read that they could be a sign of something bad then I freaked out. My Dr did a load of blood tests and they were all fine. He also told me that the kind of night sweats where you just wake up with a damp chest are not the big C. You would wake up drenched every night. I did have genuine night sweats after giving birth and they were very different, I would have go change the sheets and shower in the middle of the night. There isn't really any reassurance that I can give you that will work but please know that you are not alone and many of us here can understand exactly your feelings.

20-03-13, 01:19
Thank you guys it's certainly tough at the moment. I could really do with a break from it all but it feels like I'll never get one. I'm at the end of my tether. I just want to cry all the time it's never ending :(

20-03-13, 01:25
Sorry that your feeling this way sending big:hugs:to you

20-03-13, 03:52
Ugh yuck, I know exactly how you feel. I feel like I'm part of a never circuit of symptoms and tests and waiting and battles with the health system. You are obviously a strong person for going through all of this and you can do it. It's so draining, I know, but having supportive people who understand to talk to is so important. Hugs xx

20-03-13, 11:20
Eek, I know how you feel too. Since December, I've been to my GP for:

Discomfort/twinges on left hand side of pelvis. (Leading to ultrasound, bloods, internal exam etc). Nothing much found with any of that and advice is to go on the pill to see if stopping ovulation stops it. So I'm probably going to try that…

Breast pain - later becoming armpit pain. (Leading to referral to breast clinic, ultrasound - nothing much found there. In the UK they don't do mammograms unless you're over 35, because younger women have dense breast tissue which would prob mask anything, so they get ultrasounds instead.)

Worry about moles. (Referral to dermatologist - nothing found there.)

Anal pain/spasms which happen in the night very occasionally. (Googling online tells me it is probably proctalgia fugax but I felt weird diagnosing myself, so went to GP.) Leading to referral to gastro specialist - that's coming up in a few weeks.

I'm SO tired of worrying all the time and living with this fear and anxiety. It takes up most of my mind so I just don't have enough left for much else. My husband is great and supportive but even he is getting tired of listening to anxiety and not much else.

Anyway, just wanted to say I feel for you and you're not alone.

22-03-13, 02:52
I think I can relate to how you feel, justified anxiety while medical diagnosis/treatment in progress on top of everyday anxiety. It does feel like an ongoing nightmare sometimes.

I have got it into my head that a cervical polyp I am having removed may be cancerous, all because my periods have changed in the last two months, stopping, starting, heavy and light. Doctors arent relating the too and seem unconcerned about either but will check the polyp. I am just waiting for something to be wrong or they got it wrong. I know this is irrational.

I found this thread on thickened linings - my understanding is that it is not related to cancer, I hope this helps http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=11442&highlight=endometrial+hyperplasia