View Full Version : Uncontrollable anxeity

19-03-13, 13:07
Hi there, basically i have been ill for a long time and have only just recently began goin back to school. So heres the problem everytime i have to go to school in the morning i feel an urge to go to the toilet which is never satisfied no matter how many times i go. When im in lessons all i can think about is going to the toilet!!

And as soon as im done with the lesson i feel fine which is why its so frustrating!!!

Any help or advice would be MASSIVLEY helpfull

19-03-13, 13:35
its a tricky one i had this when i had to get the bus to college , think you need to go and see your gp and have a chat it is a type of anxiety and not nice , dont be embarresed by talking to your dr about it xx

19-03-13, 14:21
Thanks for the adivice. You said you had this does this mean you have overcome this now? Also how did you cope with this?

I have an appointment in 2 weeks so im just going to try and get on with it untill then :) also do you know if anti diahria tablets work?

thanks x