View Full Version : drop in centre

19-03-13, 13:56
my pdoc recomended i attend a drop in centre its basically where people go who have mental health issues all different types.
i have mixed views on this place it is open on mondays and fridays.
there are generally three types of people the the first being very quite ie they sit there all day dont say a word get up after 5 hours and say see you next week.
then theres the second who i would class myself in have mental health issues are there to chat to other members to learn tips and tricks etc on how to get better and ask other members what they have been up to etc
then the third group tend to be really full on often getting told of by the supervisors for saying things like well we are all hear for the rest of our lives.
or shouting out a list of drugs they have been on that have made them worse which aint great when your sat there on them i no there not gps but it doesnt fill you with to much confidence,
i try and choose not to sit nxt them as they can put you on a real downer but sometimes have no choice.
ive been wondering wether this is for me especially as touchwood im feeling a lot better, the plus sides are i have to get to buses which i couldnt have done 4 weeks ago , you are out for the afternoon, some of the people there are nice and the supervisors are fantastic do you think i should go on friday? im thinking yeh

19-03-13, 14:04
As you say it is helping you to get out and getting used to being on buses and in rooms with people but if the other people there are giving you a lot of negativity then maybe it can do more harm than good. If you can try to sit with the more positive group then I think it will be great.

19-03-13, 16:19
Have a private word with the supervisors. Explain the parts of the group that concern you and the bits you enjoy and find helpful. If they are able to I am sure they will work with you to get the most from your joining in. They won't be able to help until you let them know that there are some aspects that you are finding difficult. They are there to support you.

20-03-13, 07:12
I think you should go Max, it seems to be doing you the world of good, knowing you are not alone in your uphill struggle. You know what you need and what could be potentially harmful to your recovery. Like you said, sit with the positive people and ignore the rest as much as possible without being rude. You have to put yourself and your needs first.
