View Full Version : I collapsed at the dentist

19-03-13, 16:07
I have been for a large filling in my tooth. The filling and injection went ok. I began to feel unwell looking at the lights. I felt very heavy and my legs gave way beneath me. I was taken to the recovery room and given water and a glucose tablet. I was wondering whether the adrenaline in the injection would casuse this reaction. I was feeling a little bit anxious but nothing over the top. Thanks. EJ

19-03-13, 16:16
Absolutely yes EJ. I once fainted while lying down on the dentist's chair. I believe you can ask for a jag without adrenalin. Hope you are well otherwise xx

19-03-13, 16:29
Thanks Jane I was more concerned about the other patients in the waiting room seeing me faint and the fact that I am so heavy! I was well looked after though. I was also wondering whether the anxiety had caused me to faint? EJ

19-03-13, 16:32
Never mind them lol, as long as you are ok. My daughter fainted while having blood taken recently, gashed her chin and had to have stitches xx

19-03-13, 16:43
I hope she is ok Jane? I am little worried as I am going away in a couple of weeks. Hopefully not anxiety returning although I didn't feel anxious. I will look into the adrenaline/ fainting scenario? EJ

19-03-13, 16:58
I hope she is ok Jane? I am little worried as I am going away in a couple of weeks. Hopefully not anxiety returning although I didn't feel anxious. I will look into the adrenaline/ fainting scenario? EJ

Trust me, it was the shot

19-03-13, 17:08
Always ask for an anti adrenelin injection and in my case I ask my dentist if it is possible to have my head a little higher so as I feel I am sitting up rather than stretching backwards.

19-03-13, 18:50
ej hope you are feeling better now, i have fainted at the dentist before, its the anxiety that makes me faint, although i had treatment last year and was ok with the help of diazapam. take care and dont worry about it. xx

19-03-13, 19:02
I go to a specialist dentist and he sedates me, it is the only way I can do it now otherwise I think I would faint.

19-03-13, 19:22
I think it's a combination of the injection, anxiety and poss the surroundings (lights etc).

Dentists can do funny things to people - I once burst into tears while the hygienist was cleaning my teeth. Lying there with my mouth open and tears pouring down my face.

She's so lovely and kind the hygienist and she looked mortified for me. All I could do is sit there weeping saying "I hate having this done. It's not you, honest."

I can smile about it now :blush:

19-03-13, 19:40
I hope she is ok Jane? I am little worried as I am going away in a couple of weeks. Hopefully not anxiety returning although I didn't feel anxious. I will look into the adrenaline/ fainting scenario? EJ

Unfortunately she's been left with a scar EJ (she's 16) but otherwise she's fine. They did ask her beforehand if she was a "fainter" but she'd never had blood taken before and didn't realise they meant specific to that situation. We'll know in future.

Please don't worry yourself that it's an anxiety thing, I'm sure Gmanina is right xxx

19-03-13, 19:54
For years I would get a sudden rush of anxiety about thirty seconds after the dentist gave me the nerve block injection. I thought it was just me being anxious. It was only when one day I read that adrenaline was included in the injection as a vasoconstrictor to limit the area affected by the injection.

I put two and two together, and next time I was at the dentist, asked him if my reaction might be caused by adrenaline in the injection. He just said "I'll give you an injection without adrenaline." Since then, I've had no thirty second reaction ... but still not too keen on dental procedures!

19-03-13, 21:14
I had a huge panic attack after a injection of local anaesthetic with adrenaline about 10 years ago, I wasn't anxious at the time. I remember getting hot, then palpitations, shaking and then feeling faint, the dentist at the time said it wasn't anything to do with the injection! I've since worked in a clinic where local anaesthetic with adrenaline was administered and the patients are warned that they may experience some feelings of panic, palpitations and a body flush - so yes, it is the injection.
I now visit the dentist without a problem, even if I have the same injection because I understand I may have this reaction but I've never had it since.

19-03-13, 21:53
thanks guys for being so kind. I'm feeling better although a bit shaky and only just has something to eat! The dentist and I were talking about my forthcoming holiday to Italy and I was trying some self hypnosis. I thought I was feeling relaxed. Not a pleasant feeling very heavy I just wanted to be on the floor. I don't go for another six months so I'll discuss the problem then. I haven't had a filling for twenty years. They were very kind so if it happens again I really have nothing to worry about!! EJ