View Full Version : having zero self-confidence

19-03-13, 18:01
just felt like i needed to ask for some support as i am feeling really low and feel like i have zero self-confidence, i feel like what little confidence i had has been battered out of me with agressive and intimidating personalities in previous jobs, i just feel like i am never going to pull myself out of this, i am really worried about my ability to cope with work in the future when i have recovered would be grateful for any support messages that can be offered even if it is just to talk to me, thank you

19-03-13, 18:15
One of my favorite quotes is "The greatest success is successful self-acceptance."
You are a unique individual and should be proud of you!

19-03-13, 19:00
One of my favorite quotes is "The greatest success is successful self-acceptance."
You are a unique individual and should be proud of you!

thank you bekzie that means a lot to me

19-03-13, 19:14
Your welcome manwithnoname :)
Another good one is "To wish you were someone else is to waste the person you are.”
Start trying to appreciate the little things about yourself :hugs:

19-03-13, 19:46
You could try looking at the book i recommended on your other thread, Manwithnoname - or some others about self-esteem. The others are right, we are who we are and we should celebrate that, but there are things we can change to make life more liveable for us, if we really want to. If you aren't born with or grow up with strong self-esteem, you really need to work on it, no magic wands, unfortunately.

19-03-13, 21:15
I always find it helpful to remind myself that I am supposed to like myself and if other people treat me bad, then they are in the wrong. You could try some of the modules in this online course - there's one for self confidence and also assertiveness, just scroll down until you find the right one http://www.cci.health.wa.gov.au/resources/consumers.cfm

19-03-13, 21:34
@ Lilharry, That site looks really good :) Thanks for sharing it

19-03-13, 21:37
Lilharry, that's a fabulous website, thanks very much for that.