View Full Version : anxiety ruining my relationship?

19-03-13, 18:20
I have recently suffered panic attacks and now think i am suffering just anxiety in general.
i seem to be so apprehensive about everything.
recently i keep questioning whether i still love my boyfriend or whether im just convincing myself that i do.
i just wanted to know if it was down to my anxiety or if it was actually happening?
has anybody else experienced?
lots of online research has shown me that it could be down to anxiety and not knowing whether im coming or going at the moment.
but i was wondering if anybody else has felt like this and how they dealt with it?

Mr Brownstone
19-03-13, 19:36
You sound like you're over-analyzing everything, which is what I do. I dont know what the solution is, but you're not alone. I cant behave any other way, as for me its the best way to figure out how to progress or deal with a situation.

20-03-13, 09:20

I no how you feel! Last year i had an awful time with my anxieties and i wouldn't open up to my boyfriend so i just felt like keeping my distance which resulted in me feeling like you.

Eventually after a big emotional discussion about our relationship i realised i needed to be more open and talk more about my anxieties with him. He's ever so supportive, but in the beginning i didn't want to talk to him incase he thought i was a nut case.

My advice is try and talk to your boyfriend (for me this was the hardest thing in the world as i HATE talking about my feelings) it doesn't matter how much you cry it will make you feel better :)

Let me know how it goes.

25-03-13, 06:38
I have the same problem. I think i don't love my fiance and that Im just convincing myself that i do. But if i didn't love him then why would i be so upset about the thought of being without him. Everything i do something to plan our wedding i feel anxious and sad and Im confused because why would i want to still plan it and marry him if i didn't love him. Its gotten to the point where i don't feel happy with anything anymore and i feel empty. Its so hard to tell if its anxiety or my true feelings.

02-04-13, 22:11
I have the same feelings. We decided about 2 months ago to get married on June 4 2013 (mutual decision) as we have been together almost 13 years. We decided to do it so soon so we didn't have to wait a year, and we are only having parents, siblings and grandparents (12 people total). Thank god cuz i don't think i could do this for a year!

I confronted some of my social anxieties by telling our parents, friends and coworkers about it...I was really excited, and now some anxieties are coming back.

Now i'm feeling like (do i really love him, or am i forcing myself to). My logical self knows i love him. I would die if we broke up, but for some reason these thoughts are just floating around and i keep thinking...(Is this a mistake, do i love him, does he love me, what if it doesn't work etc etc), which i know is dumb because we have been together for so long and have been through so much i know we could get through just about anything.

Luckily i have a good friend who has the same anxiety issues, and she had the same before she got married. But even though i know i love him and want to be with him forever, i keep having those "feelings" that are trying to tell me otherwise and i'm sooooo confused! HELP!

03-04-13, 00:59
Panic not, I've been there. I'm getting married in 45 days and keep asking myself whether I'm sure. It's weird, when I'm away from my fiancé I love him, but when I'm with him I over-analyze everything he says and does.

Try to relax and just let it happen as it happens. You don't have to be madly in love every minute of every day. As long as you have a good time together and you enjoy spending your free time with him, that's all that matters :)
