View Full Version : Another worry!!!

19-03-13, 19:47
Over the last few days I'd ran out of e45 cream!
My hands are dry cracking and bleeding.
Have bought a new tub of cream today but I'm a bit worried as I worked making a cleaning product today and worried some of it got in my dry skin. I didn't sting at all though. I tried gloves but couldn't work in them as had to peel back labels and stickers very hard with gloves on an some were leaking.
I've bought my e45 today and ouch it stings to rub in. I'm also having to wash my hands before eating at work so am thinking instead of their cheap soap to bring my dove bar of soap in!?
Bit worried about how sore they are.

19-03-13, 21:10
Lots of people get sore hands, especially in the winter. You're doing the right thing by using e45.

Have you heard about your cbt? And have you thought anymore about meds?

Carly Lou
19-03-13, 21:12
Emma I have started getting terrible dry hands... at 27 years old my hands looked like my grans !!! ive just started using e45 and it has done the trick amazingly...
when i dont put any on they get real dry espeicially the knuckles and crack... its especially the weather thats causing it.... youll be fine sweetie xxxxx

19-03-13, 21:51
I like the idea about bringing your own soap too - I thnk that's a good idea. Some soaps are so harsh. You could try using aqueous cream instead of soap too.

22-03-13, 21:50
Oh thought I'd replied to this. Thanks for th advice guys.
Have been using e45 still very very dry but hoping will improve soon :)

22-03-13, 22:29
I get very dry hands which crack and bleed, especially when the weather is cold. I work with animals and have to use harsh soaps, plus the water is often either freezing cold or much too hot.

The best thing I have found is cream for dry feet & heals. You can get lots of different brands in Boots, I find them all as good as each other, I buy whatever is cheapest.

I don't bother during the day as it just gets rubbed off, but putting it on at night before I go to bed seems to make a massive difference. I'm just not very good at remembering!

24-03-13, 16:25
Yer always put it on at night, also if I remember in morning but I leave at 6:30 and often forgot. Up at 5:30. Make sandwhich for lunch. Eat breakfast have a cuppa have a shower by time I done that I sometimes forgot!

24-03-13, 17:48
I recommend 'Simple' brand of soap, it doesn't have nasty additives and I can use it without it drying my hands out - unlike most other soaps.