View Full Version : Chunks of reddish in stool (tmi!)

19-03-13, 19:50
Hi guys.
Bit too much info but went for a stool earlier and spotted a few chunks in it. Reddish/light red.
Does this sound like blood or food?
I did have cherry tomatoes and apricots yesterday but now panicking its blood.
Any help?

19-03-13, 19:54

Well we cant say for sure what it is as we cant see it but I know when i have tomatoes, red peppers or various other red foods I have small bits of them in my stool. It usually looks like it may be the skin of the tomato that hasn't been digested as well the rest of the food and bits of it are left in the stool.

19-03-13, 20:44
Thank you.
If it was blood, would there be a worry?

19-03-13, 20:55
If it was blood (which it doesn't sound like it was by the way), it would be extremely likely to be nothing to get worried about, lots and lots of non serious reasons for bleeding including piles and small tears in your 'exit'. Try not to get worked up about it! (easier said than done I know) but if it keeps happening maybe see a doc for some reassurance. If it's only happened the once or only a few times just put it out of your mind completely. :yahoo:

19-03-13, 21:10
It sounds like it's probably the skin from the tomatoes or peppers. Keep an eye on things ut don't worry unduly xx

19-03-13, 21:20
As someone who does get actual blood in their stool I can tell you there is nothing to worry about uneccersarily. It's probably is just the tomato or apricots. If it keeps happening, go and see your doctor. I have had blood in my stool on and off for 6 years and have been told by doctors not to worry about it, though I am pushing to have more tests. It's generally caused by piles or fissures which are very minor in the grand scheme of things.

19-03-13, 21:30
It was sort of embedded inside rather than on the outside ehich sounds more like food right?

19-03-13, 21:32
Yeah, for sure. If it's bright red blood then it means it's coming from the lower end of your bowel and it would most likely be on the outside of your stool. ANd that fact that it's "chunks" sounds more like food than blood.

19-03-13, 21:36
It was more of a light red

19-03-13, 21:43
Doesn't sound like blood then. Blood looks like blood and it's sort of smeared on the outside of the stool and on the toilet paper. I get chunks of red when I've eaten tomatoes so it sounds normal to me.

20-03-13, 10:34
I agree u akwats have small bits of red but it is definately down to what i eat whether it be Giji Berries or different things not everything gets broken down so these sort of things will always happen.

20-03-13, 16:06
I agree too. If I read tomato or red pepper and I can see it later.