View Full Version : feeling deppressed regarding looking for work

19-03-13, 20:13
I need some advise.I'm due to see my Disability Employment Advisor at the JobCentre tommorrow,for my signing on appoinment.And I feel like going in there and just bursting into tears.I really don't think I can keep this act up any longer.The truth is I'm terrified about finding another job.My hours were cut wher I am now,and the thought of going through and trying to settle into a new job makes me sick to my stomach.I do the usual job searching and apply for things,but at the back of mind,I'm hoping and praying that I don't get a phone call asking me for an interview or to a phone call to offer me a job.Since the hour cuts,being at home,I can feel my confidence going.I stay up late,and don't get out of bed the next day till the afternoon,and all in all I'm starting to loose my fight.I have no one in my family I can talk too,so I feel like I'm on my own:weep:

19-03-13, 21:41
I was just like you until one day I walked away from a Job Restart type thing minutes before it started, then I had to see someone at the Job Centre to tell them why I didnt go.
I was explaining to a woman that I did go but suddenly left minutes before it started and she told me i was suffering from stress/anxiety and I should see my doctor.
(I remember being fidgety and speaking kind of quickly).
You should see your doctor and tell them how you are feeling, they should give you a sick note for 1 month, tell the job centre whats happening and ask about being placed on ESA.
I'm not sure how it works it's been a long time since I did it, but telling your doctor is the best thing and asking for a sick note.
Make an appointment to go back in 4 weeks, if you're feeling the same the doctor should have no problem giving you another note.

This will sound silly but dont worry about having to find a job, they cant/wont force you to.
It was aver 6 years ago when I was put on incapacity benefit/esa and things are much better for people suffering from stress/anxiety now.