View Full Version : my gp has made feel stupid

19-03-13, 21:02
hi ive got GAD and HA had it for 7yrs and the 4 weeks ive had a virus and my HA has gone thro the roof , and i do admit i have been to see my new gpo at least 12 times in the 4 weeks but tonight i went back to see him because i had a sharp pain in my stomach and quite tender to touch and he bluntky said to me that i have been to see him far to many times in the last 4 wks and what am going to about it because i keep going up to see him and i just didnt know wat to say bk to him as i just felt so stupid and he made me feel that im just wasting his time because of his attitude towards me , i just dont know what to do nomore as i dont want to be like this having HA and feeling such a fool and wasting the dr time all the time, i dont want to go to doctors any more now and just suffer in silence so i dont feel a fool or stupid , so can any one give me any advice on how i can overcome this HA

19-03-13, 21:11
We put so much trust in doctors and expect the to understand our symptoms, but many of them really don't understand HA and anxiety in general. I have recently changed doctors and am still trying to find one who is sympathetic to this disorder. What you need is someone who understands and can give you practical advice about how to deal with your disorder and also to take you seriously when you have symptoms and reassure you that you are going to be okay. It is not okay for your doctor to talk to you like that, but it is because not very many gps are trained on how to deal with anxious patients. I think you need to try and find someone who can help you rather than make you feel worse. Can you get some recommendations from other people? I feel like I have often been stigmatised by doctors just because I'm anxious. Are you getting any professional help with your anxiety? Counsellors are much much better at talking to you in a way that is helpful than doctors are. I also find that nurses are really good to talk to too, so maybe you could ring your clinic and ask to speak to the nurse rather than make a doctor's appointment?

19-03-13, 21:19
First of all I would change doctors! You don't have to stand for that Tricia. If you have HA which you do, the doctor knows this and should do his job and help you!
Secondly do not feel stupid, HA or GAD is not something you asked for, it is something you have to get over. I feel for you, I have been there myself and I wish I knew how to overcome HA.
Don't suffer in silence, sharing here helps. Things will get better :hugs:

19-03-13, 21:22
Dont you dare feel bad, your doctors attitude is disgraceful and you are suffering, I would change doctors....youre not stupid

---------- Post added at 21:22 ---------- Previous post was at 21:21 ----------

PS Hypnotherapy has helped me with my HA, which was also brought on by a virus at xmas

19-03-13, 21:42
Tricia, the question initially should be what's HE doing about it, he's the doctor. He should recognise that you have HA and discuss how he can help, by referring you for counselling or whatever. Don't let him make you feel bad. I'd go back and ask for his help and if he can't suggest anything find someone else :hugs:

19-03-13, 21:42
hi thk you all for your kindness and advice and i think i will look for a new gp so thk you all x pat

19-03-13, 21:44
Don't let anyone ever make you feel stupid, let alone a doctor who should know better! Your experience of HA or any kind of anxiety is very personal to each sufferer and not to be taken lightly or undermined by anyone.

I would see a different doctor and point out that the fact that your visits to the surgery are increasing indicates an increase in your anxiety which needs to be acknowledged and addressed with appropriate support, which may include counselling or CBT referrals.

No one has the right to minimise your experience of anxiety. It is your right as a patient to have your concerns taken seriously and receive appropriate support for your anxiety.

I wish you every success in accessing appropriate support:hugs:

19-03-13, 21:57
Tricia, I agree with everyone's reassurances and advice here. My first thougth on reading your post was that your doctor, not you, should be looking at ways to help you. U have nothing to feel stupid about, least of all because he was so downright ignorant.
When I was first diagnosed with depression, the doctor I had back then made me feel like yours did today. He reminded me of my father. I felt like I was always wasting his time. That's because one time I thought I had found a lump. I have never forgotten how he passed it off as a muscular thing. I Felt like a right idiot having got all wound up about it. His clinical diagnosis was correct, but his manner towards me didn't reassure me at all.
Mind you, ironically he remained as my doctor. I didn't know you could change. He did however refer me for CBT when I became depressed and he didn't offer me meds straight away, it was a doctor I saw after him who recommended the meds.
Anyway, I would definitely look at changing doctors since for your health to improve and your mind be put at rest you need a doctor who firstly takes you seriously, secondly takes responsibility for your well being (which is after all their job) and thirdly makes sure you get an appropriate referral.
Honestly Tricia, if I'd been there he'd have got a piece of my mind on your behalf.
These are for you from all your caring friends...:grouphug::grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: :grouphug:

20-03-13, 00:43
I had the same problem years back and eventually found a doctor at the surgery who understood me and was willing to help me with health anxiety. He told me that 1 in 4 people in the waiting room has anxiety issues.

See different doctors until you find one your happy with.

Daisy Sue
20-03-13, 00:49
I agree with everyone's advice here.. you're not stupid, and you should change doctors if you can. I always maintain there are two ways of saying things, and yes he's right that you've been quite a lot recently, but he could have pointed this out in a caring and concerned way, offering help & support to an obviously anxious patient, rather than throwing it at you as an accusation. :(

You probably have grounds for sending a written complaint in to the practice manager to be honest.. that GP let you down today!

20-03-13, 02:47
I am so sorry that you had to deal with such a ignorant Doctor. I am so mad for you. You are far from stupid, he is for not knowing how to help make you feel better. I am definitely with everyone else, and you need to find a better, more compassionate, understanding Doctor, they are out there. Having HA is hard enough, we trust, and pray, that our Doctor's are going to say something/anything to make us feel better, not worse. I can't even imagine how hard that was for you. I also agree with Daisy Sue to write a written complaint, and just maybe he will have a better attitude toward the next person who just wants an answer. Good luck to you, and I hope you are feeling better. :hugs:

20-03-13, 22:37
hi thk u all for your support i went to see another gp practice todayand hopefully i will be able to join there i dont know wat they are like but i just feel i cant go back to my own gp nomore as they make me feel im just a burden so im hoping the new one will be better and understanding as that is all i want some one to understand and just have reasurance as i know a gp cant cure me only i can do that , as maybe i make my anxiety worse by seeking reasurance all the time but i just cant seem to stop myself from asking it especialy when i have it quite bad , so is asking for reasurance all the time not good for me and is it keeping my anxuety going , would like any feed back and once again thank you all x pat